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Josie and Carla both hurried out of the as Roxie continued to yell at them. They frowned, stomping sadly down the hall and to the exit. Carla turned to Josie with a half smirk and her eyes focused entirely on her.

"We aren't dating just so you know," she muttered, "I just wanted to see what she would say." Josie opened her mouth to speak, but let out a sigh instead and walked past Carla without a word. She frowned, following quickly behind as they exited the hospital. "What's wrong with you?" Carla asked her. Josie spun around with an irritated look on her face.

"You can't just keep doing this, Carla!" Josie exclaimed, "You're literally treating Neil and Roxie like they don't have their own feelings! They're gonna get sick of your shit eventually and then you'll be all alone. You need to decide who you like and deal with the consequences then." Josie stated, placing a hand on Carla's shoulder.

Carla grumbled, narrowing her eyes at Josie. "You're literally that last person who has the right to say that. What's your body count again... I know it was double digits..." She giggled, shaking her hand away. Josie's eyes grew wide in shock, and, with a single swift movement, slapped Carla right across her face.

"Fuck you. Seriously, just fuck you!" Josie shouted, rushing to her car, "by the way, you can get your own damn ride home. Don't text me, don't call me, don't FaceTime me, nothing! Not until you apologize anyways!" She screamed, slamming the car door shut before driving off. Carla touched her face, scowling at the asphalt below her.

"Shit..." She whispered. Carla pulled her phone out, texting the only person who could actually come get her. About fifteen minutes passed and another car pulled up right next to Carla. It was Neil. He stumbled towards Carla, holding his arms out to welcome her in for a hug. She gladly accepted it, running into his arms with a soft sniffle. "Neil... I need to tell you something..." She whimpered. Neil grinned, nodding back to her to let her speak. "Um... can I tell you after I get back to my house though...? I don't want to cry in front of you anymore..." Neil agreed, kissing her forehead softly as she climbed into the passenger seat of his car.

The drive was painstakingly silent and filled with dread as both of them avoided one another's gaze. Carla twirled her hair, keeping up with the rhythm of her fast paced heartbeat. Minutes pass by and finally the two pulled up to Carla's house. She stepped out of the car, wishing she hadn't mentioned anything to Neil before.

"So... what do you need to talk about? Is everything okay?" He asked. Carla shook her head and sniffled.

"I like you, I like you a lot Neil," she began. Neil's eyes lit up with joy as he prepared to lean in an kiss Carla. She stopped him though, smiling warmly at him. "I like you so much... that I don't want you to be with me. You deserve someone better than me and... I'm just trouble. I don't want you to put up with me any longer." She said. Neil backed away slowly and smiled in confusion.

"Carla... I don't mind, I like you and I want to help you! You just said you like me too so—"

"Neil, stop. I... I can't be with you. Not now, not ever... I already promised myself to someone else..." She said, going towards her front door. Neil didn't respond, climbing into his car to sit and think. She shut the door behind her, sinking to the floor and holding her knees close to her.

"I deserve this... I deserve to be alone. I deserve to be unhappy. I fucked everything up, I ruined Roxie, I don't deserve someone as amazing as Josie in my life, and Neil should be happy with another girl who will make him happy and not stress him out... this is fine." She mumbled, curling up into a ball on the floor. She fell asleep there, not caring anymore for what would happen to her at this point.

A knock at the door came and Carla quickly woke up and scrambled to get up, looking through the peephole. Surprisingly, it was Josie. Carla mustered up more courage, brushed herself off whilst clearing her throat quietly, and pulled the door open. Josie stormed in, emotionless, and sat down on the stairs.

"Spill." She demanded, tapping her foot furiously against the floor. Carla flinched, sliding back down against the door and to the floor.

"I have... nothing to say to you." Carla sighed. Josie scoffed, pulling her phone out to face the screen towards Carla.

"Neil is worried because you suddenly ditched him and won't answer any messages he sent you. He left two hours ago already. He sent you a lot of fucking texts, called you, and then somehow got my fucking number because he thought you went and died." Carla pulled out her phone as well, looking to see if what Josie said was true. In fact, she was telling the truth. Forty texts, twelve new voice messages, and then even Neil had other friends try to message her.

"...Whatever. I don't care, I don't deserve to. I didn't realize that much time had passed, sorry. Now that you're finished, leave me alone." Carla said, nodding her head to the door behind her. Josie narrowed her eyes and looked heartbroken.

"Carla... please don't be like this. I'm worried about you, Neil's worried about you... I'm sure Roxie would be too if she knew..." Josie begged Carla. The two sat in silence for a few moments before Carla spoke again.

"I feel like I don't deserve to be here anymore Josie. I've fucked up. I've fucked up so much. I m just such a disaster! I have two people who I care about, yet here I am with my confusing feelings! I didn't mean to play with them I just... like them both... I can't explain it!" Carla cried out, wiping tears away. Josie remained silent, getting up and walking to Carla with a straight face. She leaned down and took Carla's head in her hands to lift it up to face her.

"I get it. I know Carla. The thing is, it's not just Neil and Roxie..." She said in a whisper, bringing her lips to Carla's without another second to waste...

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