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A ray of sunlight beamed in through the window and past the blinds. Carla struggled to sit up, peering around the room with a confused expression. She thought about the night before, remembering that she stayed at Neil's house. Carla shuddered though as well, reminding herself about what Daniel had done as well. Her phone was laying face down on the floor next to the bed, so she calmly picked it up. Immediately, a horrified and distraught look took over her entire being. Her mom, Josie, Roxie, and an unknown number had all called and texted her throughout the night. Over forty calls were made to her and thirty texts had been sent to her phone. Carla quickly began going through the voice mails, skimming over the ones that her mom and Josie had sent so she could see if it was really Roxie who called her.

She played the message almost instantly, listening as a soft beeping noise could be heard in the background of Roxie's phone. Then, heavy breathing could be heard. No, two different sets of heavy breathing. One seemed deeper than the other as both continued on. After what seemed minutes of it going on, shouting could be heard from a distance away and stomping footsteps echoed away from the phone. One set of heavy breathing continued on as a raspy gasp called out. "Carla, help..." The voice called. It was Roxie, but what had happened? Who was the other person in the room with her? What was going on? Just like that, the message ended which had left Carla with more questions than answers.

She jumped out of the bed, quickly running down the stairs and out the door without bothering to talk to Neil. Carla darted down the road, looking through he messages that she had received next. Her mom only sent her messages about where she was and what had happened the day before as police officers had appeared at her doorstep. Josie continuously asked Carla where she was too, but then also sent a message that only said that she needed to get to the hospital quickly. Finally, an unknown number had sent Carla a text. Her stomach twisted into a knot as she read the message and pushed herself to run to the hospital even faster.

"If I can't have Rox, then you can't either. I don't need her, but you're next after I finish the job."

Carla began to cry, stopping in her tracks to call Josie who quickly answered the phone. Without letting her speak, Carla begged her to come get her and take her to the hospital. Within a matter of minutes, Josie arrived and picked her up from the side of the road. The two didn't speak, racing to the hospital without a care for the speed limit. Once they got there, Carla jumped out of the car without even letting Josie stop or park. She ran in, heading straight for Roxie's room.

"Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay..." She prayed, dashing madly through the hallways and almost running straight into multiple visitors and staff. Carla stopped as she finally reached Roxie's room and peeked her head in. Roxie was on the bed, sitting up and very much alive. The pit in Carla's stomach disappeared and she walked over to her. Everything seemed alright until she saw hand mark bruises around Roxie's neck. "Roxie...?" She called out, standing still at the end of the bed. Roxie continued to look away, seemingly ignoring Carla's presence as she smiled blankly. Carla frowned, stepping towards her more cautiously. Finally, Roxie turned her head towards Carla with a weak smile.

"Ah... Carla..." She sighed, tapping her fingers against her face as if she had been waiting for Carla to come. Carla avoided eye contact, pointing to her neck.

"What... what happened to you...?" She asked, unsure if she really wanted to know. Roxie mumbles something before grinning.

"Oh, you know, just an accident I suppose." Roxie laughed. Carla shook her head, slamming a fiat onto a table that was right beside her.

"Don't play dumb with me, Roxie! I'm worried about you, I got your message, and I got Daniel's message too! He tried... he tried to kill you, didn't he?" She asked, facing the ground to avoid looking at Roxie. The laughing stopped as Roxie let out a small breath.

"So?" She asked, sitting up more in her bed, "It's fine." Carla peered up at her, clearly irritated.

"It's fine? Are you fucking insane? That fucking psychopath could've killed you, but it's fine?" Carla questioned her as her eyes filled with tears. Roxie's smile disappeared and was quickly replaced with a look of disappointment.

"I... sorry... I love him, I do, but I love you too and I just... this is all my fault, so I deserve it..." She trailed off. Carla walked closer to Roxie, grabbing ahold of her hand softly to squeeze and rub. The two remained that way for minutes until Josie came into the room. They immediately separated and acted as if nothing happened. Josie smirked, but sighed loudly to cover the fact that she did.

"Are you both alright?" She asked, leaning into Carla with a toothy grin. Carla lightly punched her, turning her attention back to Roxie.

"Daniel texted me sometime last night..." She said, handing Roxie her phone. She read the message quickly and scowled without a single word.

"I figured..." She said quietly, passing the phone back to Carla. The three girls remained in complete silence for a few seconds before Carla's phone began to ring. She answered it, forgetting to look who it was.

"Carla? Are you okay? I just woke up and you were gone. I'm worried about you, is everything alright?" It was Neil. His voice made her heart flutter in delight, but once she looked back to Roxie it stopped.

"I'm fine, Neil. I'm at the hospital... with Roxie..." She said. Neil didn't respond, but chuckled instead.

"Oh, okay! Is she alright? Everything going okay?" He asked. Carla smiled, nodding to herself.

"Yeah, yeah, everything's alright here... Look, can I call you later?" Carla asked.

"Huh? Oh, sure! See you!" The two then hung up as Roxie frowned at Carla.

"So... you guys are dating, huh?" She asked. Carla shook her head with a surprised look. Was she actually jealous or just concerned? Carla couldn't put her finger on it, but decided to test it out.

"What if we are?" She asked. Roxie's eyes lit up with fury as she pointed at the door.

"Get out. Now." She demanded. Carla opened her mouth to speak, but Roxie cut her off. "Get the fuck out!" She screamed.

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