♟ Chapter 7 ♟

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B e l l a  ♣  A l b y

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B e l l a  ♣  A l b y

"Okay class, now dismiss." Mrs Oakson, my History teacher ordered. The classes flew by quickly and this was the last period of the day. I had my lunch in the Library.

All of them scattered out of the class. I packed my bag as slowly as possible as I didn't want to get in with the crowd. I was still afraid that anyone would try to bully me.

After everyone left the classroom, I made my way towards the door. When I exited the room, I saw Xanthos standing against the wall opposite to my classroom with his eyes closed. I tried to not look at his body but my eyes drifted down involuntarily.

He really was hot And se--

Oh god! I was embarrassed for saying it aloud. I slowly looked up to only find a smirking Xanthos which confirmed that he heard what I muttered.

My cheeks heated up.

I was sure my face became completely red.

"I-I..uh..you see..uh... I just-- God." I looked up. "Please save me, sprinkle some holy water on me. When did I become a girl who swooned over a guy?"

Oh no! Not again. I prayed out loud.

Xanthos chuckled. "When you met me," he said with a smirk plastered on his face.

If it was possible, I became a darker shade of red.

Xanthos took long strides and stood in front of me.

As an instinct, I flinched when he raised his hands. He looked hurt but soon it got replaced by an emotionless face.

I tilted my head downwards.

Was he going to hurt me now because I flinched? That's what my father does. Thanks to them, O can't even live my life without trust issues.

I gazed up when I heard a cracking sound. I started taking slow steps back with fear being my only emotion.

He looked like a monster.

I had never seen anyone looking this livid. The aura around him was dangerous; emitting power.

I looked behind him to find the wall against which he was leaning before having a huge hole formed. My face paled at the thought of him cracking a wall.

All of them backed away slowly and bowed their head. I started to bow my head too but two hands cupped my cheeks in one swift motion.

"Don't ever bow to me," he demanded in a deeper voice.

I peered up through my eyelashes only to notice his eyes being closed. He caressed my cheekbone with his thumb's pad.

Why did I feel sparks in the areas he touched. It felt so right and normal but I don't even know him properly, so I took a step back.

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