♟Chapter 40♟

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That's what I felt as soon as I opened my eyes. I blinked a few times to adjust my eyes to the light. Looking around myself, I sat on the wooden surface I was laying on.

The entire room was made of wood and had bright neon green strings binding the edges of the shack.

How could I see the strings with my bare eyes? I pondered before shrugging my shoulders.

I got up from the bench like structure I was sitting on and walked towards what seemed like a door. When I opened it, tall trees were the only thing that I could see as far as I can.

I glanced up and noticed the sky colour to be dirty brown with maroon mixed with the clouds. With my bare eyes, I was able to see tiny creatures which were looking like birds with tails.

How was I able to see them?

Hello there, sweetheart.

A voice can't in my head. Startled, I shrieked lightly.

Who was talking in my head?

I'll take you with me and savour you with so much passion that you would never forget who I'm, beloved.

Beloved? Was he a vampire? Oh my! Was he going to drink my blood?!

Wait I have heard that voice somewhere...

Then it clicked me, it was my stupid mate!

I placed my hands on my hips and whispered yelled, "Xanthos!"

A feather-like touch was felt at the crook of my neck which caused sparks erupt throughout my body and hot breath fanned on my cheek.

"Mine," He whispered in my ear.

I cleared my throat to reduce the tension between us.

"You used the mind link?" I turned around to come face to face with him.

"Mate link. Not mind link." He held one strand of my hair and twirled in his hair.

"Why are you suddenly acting like this?" I asked leaning into his touch. "Why am I acting like this? What's happening? How can I clearly see--"

"Mark." He tapped at the crook of my neck. "It has heightened your senses. You can mate-link too. Try."


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