♟ Chapter 19 ♟

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After my short meeting with Natasha, we both parted our ways to our first class. I had Biology as my first class. It has been one month and eight days since I came here. How fast the time ran. I sometimes feel like someone just pushed the fast forward button of time. Most importantly, just in a month, my whole life has gotten resolved only thing left was my clash with Xanthos right now.

I entered the classroom and took a seat in the middle as it was one of the few seats left and glanced at my watch for the time. 

Ten more minutes for the class to start. I took out my textbook and revised what we did last week. As I kept my book on the table, the door of the class opened and in walked three pretty girls who resembled the plastic dolls that I have seen in fare festival. 

Everyone in the class turned silent as they saw these pretty girls stepping in the class. I looked back at my textbook and began reading the concepts. When I was in the fifth sentence, I heard the clicking of heels coming near me. 

This time I didn't panic as I was engrossed in the topic I was reading.

"Hey, could you get up from the desk you are sitting in." I heard a sugar-coated voice demanding me. I continued reading thinking that they were demanding to someone else. My book was suddenly taken from the table and was thrown across the room. I saw the pages coming out of the book in absolute horror.

No! I didn't want to get bullied again. I have to try to be cool. I looked up to only find it was those three pretty girls. I gave them a soft smile.

"Hey," I said it calmly. However, I was shaking inside my boots. 

"Hey yourself! Now move." The pretty dolly girl in the middle demanded. 

I glared. "But I came here first."

"That doesn't mean that you could not move to the back." 

"It does, you should have come before me and should have occupied the seat. Why don't you pretty girls sit at the back?" Before I could have the time to know what was happening I got pushed down from the seat with so much force that I tried so hard to not fall down. I should've just gone to where they pointed. Sewage's aren't meant to be stepped on. Didn't know they were going to a part of sewage as well. Why're the beings around me like this man?

"Haha! How dare she disobeyed Kathy Lawson." The students just kept on whispering amongst themselves. 

I got up and dusted myself to free the dirt particles from me. So, this 'she' was known as Kathy. 

Kathy stood in front of me. "You weren't there before in this school, am I right?" I nodded my head up and down. "Ah! That's why you did know who I am. Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Kathy Lawson. The Kathy Lawson. So, I warn you to not mess with me."

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