♟ Chapter 12 ♟

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     X a n t h o s  ♣  K i n g s t o n

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     X a n t h o s  ♣  K i n g s t o n

How in the hell did I lose my control?

When I saw Mason, my beta, holding her hand, something snapped in me. My wolf just growled, He just growled! He didn't even think once that our mate was a human. I was so angry that I wanted to claw myself hard. 

After my Bella lost her conscious, I immediately brought her to Wolfville's human hospital. It had been seven days since I last saw her bluish-green eyes. From fucking seven days she is unconscious and who was the cause of it? Me. If it wasn't for me, she wouldn't have hit her head somewhere.

I didn't leave her side once. I was waiting for her to wake up. She just needed some strength to regenerate her body. 

I paced back and forth, I ran my hand through my hair and sighed.

"Calm down, Xanthos, nothing will happen to her and if you are thinking it's your fault that you lost your control then nope, it isn't your fault. Your wolf just became extra possessive on his mate. He didn't like that someone else other than him touching her but he didn't understand that I had no bad intentions." Mason shrugged his shoulders. I fucking became a possessive ass. Just for some other guy touching Bella in a good intention. I sat on the couch which was set at the corner of the room. 

I glanced at Bella. I couldn't bear to see her like this. 

'Stop making me feel guilty.' I heard Luciano, my wolf whimper in my mind.

'You should fucking feel guilty. You completely forgot she is a human. In how much pain she must have gone through?'

'She's my mate too, I too am going through the same emotional wrath as you.'  

'So? you should have been more careful. You should have controlled the jealousy, you prick.' I continued bickering with my wolf.

'Just stop scolding me! I'll fucking keep it in- hold on...I feel something different.'

'What's happening?' 

'I could feel someone else other than us in our mind.'

'Is it him?' I asked growing anxious. He just tested Bella's name once but never came out of his boundaries. 

'I-I think so. Oh my goddess! It's him. He's breaking up the walls. Will he remember our mate? Will he try to hurt her?' Luciano grew anxious.

'I don't know. if he comes out, we wouldn't be able to control him.'

"Are you okay, Xanthos?" I snapped my head towards the voice. My head started throbbing. My body increased in temperature. I was numb. I wasn't okay, but I didn't want to tell it to anyone

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