♟ Chapter 8 ♟

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B e l l a  ♣  A l b y

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B e l l a  ♣  A l b y

"He stared at people with red orbs. People who lied to him came out from the crowd. He asked them to delete and in an instant, all deleted the video they taped. He asked them to leave and yeah then you came in," I explained to her everything making her jaw to open wider.

"I know him for around fifteen years. I have never seen him care for anything. He never talks to anyone when not needed. He is dangerous. He normally used people like a tissue paper for his needs before throwing them away after he got his work done. He is a turmoil ball. No one could ever calm him down. He gets satisfied and calm when he sees everything destroyed. He is 'The Xanthos'. Never Ever mess with him," she told about Xanthos with a mocking dark tone.

"So does it mean that he may be using me? But I don't have anything to give him."

"I don't understand..." she murmured something inaudible. 

"Okay, I have to keep going." I stood up from the bench and started walking towards the parking lot. Natasha seemed to be in a whole different world.

When I reached, the parking lot was empty.

Where is Lewis? Maybe he must be somewhere near.

I stood next to a bin.

I didn't have a phone for calling him or Angelo. I looked at my wristwatch, It was getting late.

I walked towards the park, hoping to see Natasha and request her to give me a ride home. When I reached, Natasha was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and waited as that was the only thing I could do.

I glanced around my surroundings, it was green everywhere. Very less number of vehicles were moving on the road. At least less pollution in Wolfville.

I thought about the moment I had with Xanthos. He definetly made my first day over here way too memorable.

Deep down I feel like I know him. What's wrong with me?  Why do I feel happy, scared yet sad when I think about him.

I heard shuffling of feet behind me. I looked around only to see Xanthos walking in my direction wearing a pair of fresh clothes.

"What're you doing here?" He asked.

"Waiting for my brother." 

"Its been an hour since the school got over do you know that?" 

"I know but maybe his car might've gotten repaired or he forgot about me haha he does that."

Or maybe my stepmother would have picked him up and left me to fetch myself a ride, or it was my dad's another way of punishing. I thought to myself.

"Come on, it's late, I'll give you a ride," he said while coming to my side and holding my hand in his. I took my hand away from his as it was all of a sudden. The sparks that travelled all over my body gave me an odd comfort which felt really odd, it made me feel something else that I shouldn't feel sooner.

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