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Gosh, thank you for 200 reads! I love watching the numbers go up, it makes me so happy that people are reading my story!! I'll continue to work hard! I'll try to update more than once a week-ish. I actually take a break after each chapter, spend a few days planning the next chapter and then spend about 2 days to write the actual chapter and edit it.

What are your thoughts so far?


Taehyung read the letter over again - despite how short it was. God, he just couldn't believe how horrible the timing was. Right when he was going to ask Jungkook if he'd allow him to adopt him, he leaves. 

Sure, he did promise Jungkook that he could leave whenever, but he was hoping he would stick around a bit longer - even though the storm had passed, but the streets still weren't in the most live-able condition at the moment. There were giant piles of snow and hail balls on the ground. Some restaurants were still closed, including the one Jungkook used to hide behind.

He threw the letter on the floor, grabbing his keys and left the house again to look for the black haired bunny hybrid. The first place he thought of looking was where he had first found him. 

He wasn't there.

Sniffling through the cold and frustration, he cursed at himself. Of course he wouldn't be there. He knew Taehyung would go looking for him. Nevertheless, he tried his best, spending the rest of the night searching for him. Around 11:30pm he called it a night, dishearteningly flinging himself on the bed as he thought of other places to check tomorrow. 


The next morning, he got ready for work - rather unenthusiastically, too. He didn't want to go to work - let's be honest, he never wants to go to work - today. He wanted to spend the entire day looking for the little hybrid that weaseled into his heart and then left without a warning. Before he left, he shoved the collar into his pocket. It might come in handy if he runs into Jungkook sometime.

On the way to work, he stopped at Seokjin's cafe, getting two cinnamon rolls like the last time. The cafe seemed a bit more busy than yesterday and he even had an employee - a hybrid with cute floppy golden dog ears and a long tail waving behind him - working at the drink counter. 

Seokjin smiled when he recognized him, "Hey! You came back!"

"Yeah," Taehyung tried his best to put up a nice smile. "The cinnamon rolls were really good and I could use something to get me through the day."

The brunette tilted his head, looking at him more intently, "Did something happen?"

Taehyung sighed sadly, "I was housing a hybrid from the snowstorm and decided to ask him if I could adopt him and give him a home, but he left and I can't find him..."

"A hybrid?" Seokjin repeated, getting two cinnamon rolls from the display case. "What kind? I can keep an eye out for them."

The blonde took the pastries and took out his card to pay, "He's a black bunny hybrid. Really cute. I found him behind a dumpster at the buffet by my house."

Seokjin gasped, turning to the hybrid making an iced coffee behind him, "Hoseok!"

The dog hybrid turned, his tail wagging wildly and ears perked up, "Yeah?"

"What kind of hybrid was the one we found behind the building?" he asked, his eyes narrowed like he knew Hoseok knew what he was thinking. 

Hoseok put a lid on the iced coffee, putting it on the pick-up counter, "Oh, it was a bunny hybrid with black ears."

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