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Thank you so much for 300 reads! I'll continue to work hard to make this story interesting!

This chapter talks a lot about Overwatch, so if you don't know how it plays, I suggest you watch a video on it..I tried to make one myself but it wants a YouTube url and I'm not putting that trash on there to be made fun of 😂


"Done!" Taehyung giggled, stepping away from the wall to admire the shimmering wall. The two had just finished decorating Jungkook's new room to his liking. There were pretty white lights hanging, wrapping around the room and illuminating it prettily. He had Taehyung take lots of pictures, get them printed and hung them on the wall closest to the bed, each dangling off a clothing pin. 

On the other wall, across from the bed, was a new desk. It was a pretty white with a bunch of art supplies in a drawer since Jungkook insisted he wanted to draw more. Taehyung smiled at that, happy to have a new artistic friend. Maybe they'd draw together and look at their different styles and perception. 

His closet was full of clothes, all organized neatly. The outside of the closet had chalkboard wallpaper so he could write reminders on it - or just doodle. He thought it'd be cool to have doodles on his closet doors. It looked much nicer than having reminders on it. What reminders would he have anyways?

Finally, his bed was nicely decorated, soft pillows lined the side against the wall with stuffed animals laying against the big pillows at the front. The sheet was a rich black and the comforter was red with Ironman faces on it. Taehyung will never forget the face Jungkook made when he saw the comforter. His eyes were wide, shimmering as he stared at it. He wishes he got a picture of it.

Gaping at his room, he turned, taking everything in with his mouth open, "It looks so cool!"

"It better," Taehyung said with a playful smirk, ruffling Jungkook's black hair. "You chose everything!"

Jungkook nodded, smiling, "I hoped it went together well, but I didn't think it'd look this nice!"

"Maybe you should get a job as an interior designer." Taehyung sat on the soft bed, falling back onto it in exhaustion. He'd been working harder than usual, going shopping for decorations and clothes, then putting it all together. He was exhausted and was suddenly thankful that his job was so simple. 

The hybrid laid down next to him, slinging a leg over his, "Don't joke about that.." he mumbled. "Hybrids can't get jobs."

Taehyung ran a hand through the boys hair, smiling more as he leaned into his large hand, "You're right. Sorry."

"It's okay!" he smiled back, purring lightly. He'd loosened up a lot since he met Taehyung. He hadn't been like this since he lived with his previous owners. "That means I can be lazy!"

The blonde shot him a look, raising an eyebrow, "Not too lazy, right?"

Jungkook shook his head, his ears flopping a bit at the movement, "No! Just the right amount of lazy!"

"That works, I guess." Taehyung laughed, rubbing his long rabbit ears. They laid there for awhile, basking in each others presence silently - well, as quiet as it can get with Jungkook's loud, toothy purr. 

Taehyung pat the hybrid's belly, sitting up and fixing his messy hair a bit, "Hey, get up and get changed. I'm going to do something I haven't done in awhile."

"I don't want to get changed!" Jungkook whined, still laying on the bed, curled in on himself since Taehyung got up. 

A pair of pants and a shirt were thrown at Jungkook's face. He sputtered, removing the clothes from his face and sat up, looking at them, "Why do I have to change..?"

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