
2.2K 122 38

Thank you for 2k reads!! 🎉🎉 gosh, I never thought I'd get this many reads <3

I'm also so so so so sorry for the long wait! I wrote this chapter extremely fast and I wasn't satisfied with it, so I took my time to rewrite it hehe


February came rolling around quickly. The weather began warming up - just slightly, but enough to feel the difference. Jungkook found new retreat by sitting downstairs, outside the cafe during his free time. He enjoyed watching the people on the streets. How they interacted together, things they did, where they went. Overall, he enjoyed the crisp air of spring approaching.

This must be the most relaxed he's been since Taehyung left. He's been pushing back thoughts of what happened weeks ago. It proved helpful as he allowed him to enjoy his time while he was  gone. He hoped the blonde would return to his normal behavior when he came back from New York. 

Less than a week into February, he insisted on calling Taehyung. If the older wouldn't put effort into their relationship, then he would. Jungkook really liked this "bigger person" head space he'd acquired when he was surrounded by nothing the open air and his own thoughts. Maybe that'll show him that he still wants him and may even change his sour attitude.

Seokjin didn't know what to say when Jungkook asked. He still didn't understand exactly what happened at the zoo - he didn't pry. If Jungkook wanted him to know, he would have told him. 

The bunny hybrid looked up at him with big sparkling eyes, blinking prettily, "Please?" he pleaded, curling his bottom lip into a slight pout. "I really wanna talk to him..."

"I know you do." Seokjin said wearily, shooting Hoseok a glance from across the room, silently asking what to do while he stalled. The dog hybrid froze, his sandwich hanging from his mouth as he looked back and forth between Seokjin and Jungkook. He pursed his lips and shrugged.

Very helpful.

"Ah, okay," Seokjin finally agreed, though not happily. He knew all of the stress Jungkook was being put through from Taehyung and he didn't exactly like the idea of him calling anymore. As bad as it sounds, he wished Jungkook would give up and stop hurting himself.

The brunette walked into the kitchen and grabbed his phone off the counter, handing it nervously to Jungkook, "If he gets rude again, hang up before he can hurt you." he advised, watching as Jungkook excitedly looked for Taehyung's contact.

"I will," he agreed, getting ready to call. "I just thought that if I put in the effort, he'll change?"

Seokjin's heart breaking was almost audible. If only Jungkook knew how much he was hurting himself. He nodded, not knowing how this call would play out, but watched as Jungkook sauntered off happily to his room to call Taehyung.

The ravenette hopped onto his bed, waiting patiently for the blonde to answer. With each ring he felt himself get more and more nervous.

"Seokjin?" he heard as Taehyung answered and with the simple sound of his voice, his nervousness washed away.

"No, it's Jungkook." he giggled, kicking his feet carelessly.

Taehyung hummed, "Oh. Hi Jungkook." he sighed lightly. "Why'd you call?"

Jungkook giggled, "I can't call just to call?"

"I didn't say that!" Taehyung rasped. "But seriously, why'd you call?"

"I wanted to talk to you. Maybe we'll have a normal conversation for once." Jungkook responded enthusiastically. 

"I guess." the blonde murmured.

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