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Gosh, almost 3k reads 😭 thank you guys so much! I hope you're enjoying the story!

Sadly, it's coming to an end :( there's only a few chapters left + an epilogue!

Also I'm very sorry for the long wait! I got slight writers block during this one but I pushed through it!



Jungkook, I'm so sorry!

Please answer my calls!

I didn't mean it!

(You have 31 missed calls)

Seokjin sighed as he read through the spam of texts Taehyung left, all trying to gain Jungkook's attention. The blonde finally stopped leaving messages about 30 minutes ago. The poor phone was finally getting a break.

He knew that whatever happened left a huge impact on Jungkook. The young boy hardly left his bedroom - it'd been 3 days. When he did come out of solitude, he had large bags under his eyes and a sad expression.

The brunette frowned, eyeing the closed guest bedroom door. He wished he knew how to help him. Seeing such an innocent boy so devastated broke his heart. He felt like he'd failed him because he couldn't properly comfort him.

Hoseok tried his best, too. He'd tried to go inside to talk, but Jungkook never opened the door. He said that he was fine and that he'd be back to normal soon.

"I wish I knew what happened," Seokjin groaned, frustrated. He was irritated to no end with Taehyung and his insensitive words. "Normally I'd keep my nose out of it unless he told me, but I'm really worried about him..."

Hoseok nodded agreement, "I wish he'd let us help him. I hate seeing him like this - he doesn't deserve it at all."

Suddenly, the guest bedroom door opened behind them, revealing a tired and worn out Jungkook, "Morning..."

The two flinched and turned around to face the ravenette who was rubbing his large doe eyes, "Jungkook!" they chimed in unison, 

"How are you feeling?" Hoseok asked, eyeing the bunny for any abnormal signs.

Jungkook smiled sheepishly, "I'm feeling much better." he said in a whisper, walking into the kitchen for a snack.

Seokjin and Hoseok followed behind him, not wanting to let him out of their sighs. The oldest leaned on the kitchen counter, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I - um...not really..." he muttered, avoiding their worried eyes.

"Please?" Hoseok pushed, but not in a pressuring tone. That was the last thing he'd want to do to Jungkook. "I know you don't want to, but it hurts to see you bottling everything up. We're here for you, Kookie..."

The boy shifted in place uncomfortably, "I don't know -"

"We're not going to judge you. We just want to be there for you." Seokjin added quickly.

Jungkook chewed on his bottom lip, looking between the two warily, "Fine."

"Great," Hoseok nodded and gently grabbed Jungkook's hand. "Let's sit in the living room and talk, yeah?"

The dog hybrid sat Jungkook on the couch, allowing Seokjin to sit next to the ravenette while he sat on the floor. He'd comforted him multiple times - when he allowed him to and wanted Seokjin to prove that he could be there too.

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