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Ahhhhhh it's so weird writing the epilogue of this book...I've been working on it since July....



Hey guys," Taehyung smiled, waving to his camera. "It's been awhile! We're gonna play some O-Overwatch if that's alright with you."

The blonde chuckled as he read the streams comments, "Sounds like you guys are alright with that. Who should I play as first?" he asked as he booted up the game, keeping his eyes on the comment box that moved rapidly.

"M-Mcree?" he confirmed with a gulp, a frown on his face before a smile took over. "I haven't played Mcree in a long time, but I'll try my best."

Ge waited in a game queue and looked over the chat. There were questions about the quick frown at the mention of Mcree, but a few others caught his attention.

"Jungkook?" he asked aloud, reading people's questions. "Where is he? Well, he's - um - he's not here right now." he explained, frowning again and turning away.

People kept asking about his frown, asking if he's alright. Ge nodded his head as the match began, "I'm alright. I've been a bit sad lately, but I'm getting better. Everything will be okay." he sniffled, talking as if he was trying to convince himself.

Suddenly his character died and he groaned, watching the kill cam, "Dang, I didn't even see that sniper."

"Stay focused," he read someone's comment from the stream chat and chuckled half-halfheartedly. "I'm trying. I've still got a lot on my mind," he looked back at the game and killed the sniper that didn't even relocate. "Heh. Should have moved. I wonder if they're new."

He died again by a Roadhog using their ultimate. How annoying.

"What's on my mind?" someone asked him. "I don't know if I wanna talk about it. A lot happened and it's all my fault. I'll never forgive myself."

People spammed supportive comments, encouraging him to talk about what happened to relieve his stress, "No, trust me. It's my fault, no doubt about it."

His character re-spawned right as the game ended, the words "DEFEAT" spreading across the screen, "Man, what a sucky way to start this live."

While he waited for the next game he read more comments. Luckily they'd gotten past his muddled thoughts and began blaming his team for his loss.

"Maybe I should heal next game. Nobody likes healing. I don't get it. Healing can be fun," he laughed as the stream made fun of him for liking the healers. "What? You guys must have a lot of losses then. Be the bigger person to win."

For some reason he felt like he did a better job this round. Healing was difficult because the other team's always trying to kill you, but it's still fun.

He flew over to one of his teammates and healed them only to be killed by a psychotic Junkrat, "Are you kidding me? Where'd he even come from??"

Taehyung looked at his death count and sighed, running his hand through his blonde hair. His game play began going downhill again, "I really suck today, huh?"

The stream began asking about his problems again, saying that he'd play better if he talked about them.

"Guys, I really don't wanna talk about it...It'll change your perception of me...You guys are all I have left..." he pleaded, looking into the camera and hoped the viewers understood.

They didn't.

He sighed and shook his head, staring sadly at the camera after closing Overwatch, "Okay fine. I-I don't really know where to start..." he sighed, thinking about the past. "I think it started when I left for New York. I just started ignoring Jungkook."

"He eventually stopped calling me. Then I got my trip extended. He'd call me, crying, asking when I'd be back. I kept giving him vague answers, but eventually told him I'd be back in the Spring..."

Tears began forming in the blonde's eyes, "I told him I regretted adopting him....I don't. It just came out, but I didn't mean it..." he wiped his tears with the back of his hand.

He moved his hair from his eyes and squirmed in his seat, "When I came back...I've never seen him smile so brightly..But all I could think of was New York. I didn't wanna come back home...I was stupid."

"I started neglecting him...doing anything to get him to leave me alone..He was clingy, sure, but I actually didn't mind. It was cute, but I made it this big deal..." he frowned and hugged himself, rubbing his sides and pretended it was Jungkook comforting him.

The blonde hung his head, "Then one day I snapped and hurt him. I pulled his ears, kicking him, yelled mean things at him..." he sniffled, tears falling onto his lap. "He ran away that day."

His tears were clearly visible as he picked up a paper and lazily showed the camera, "He left me a note..."

"I think what broke my heart the most was finding his collar on the floor in front of the door," he cried, holding to collar to his chest. "I bought this for him and found out he'd left after a snowstorm passed back in December. I wanted to adopt him that day but he left because I told him he was free to leave whenever...I didn't wanna make him uncomfortable, just safe..."

He buried his face in his hands and wailed, "I-I miss him so much! I love him so much! I'd called him annoying, but he's not! He didn't deserve anything I put him through!"

"I sold his artwork in New York and didn't even ask, then yelled at him for getting upset about it!" he wiped his tears - not that it did much.

"My boss warned me that if I treated him any less than a prince that he'd fire me...Now I'm out of a job..." he sniffled and stared at the collar. "I lost all of my friends because nobody wants to be friends with a hybrid a-abuser..."

He spaced out and remembered all of the memories with Jungkook - not that there were many. He lived with Seokjin and Hoseok longer than he lived with Taehyung despite knowing the blonde longer.

"I miss him so much....It's been a month and a half..." he frowned. "Of course, I've been looking, but I haven't found him...Nobody's seen him..."

"I-I hope he's okay out there...It's still really cold a-and he left with a sickness after I told him to his face that it was fake..." he sobbed, pushing his hair away again.

He shook his head, "And to think, he trusted me enough to tell me about his past owners that neglected him and I promised not to do that to him...I'm so much worse than them!"

"I hope his next owner treats him like the prince he is. Give him lots of cuddles and kisses - everything I didn't..." he smiled sadly. "He just wanted to be loved. I love him so much, but I never showed him...He should be reminded daily, hourly, by the minute, by the second..."

Taehyung sighed and looked at his bed where he had a few of Jungkook's paintings hung up, "Sometimes I sleep in his room because I miss him so much. I miss his clean smell and soft fur...His room is losing his smell..."

"I'm the worst," he looked at the camera and took a look at the stream. People were leaving and commenting nasty things. He didn't mind. He deserved every rude comment thrown at him. "He just wanted to be happy."

"But his happiness only lasted for the Winter..."

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