Chapter 1

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Elena and Jeremy set up the picnic, it was nice to get back to some sort of normality, since Aunt Jenna's death.

Elena sighed as she saw Stefan, "Stefan I thought we agreed, Jer and I could have one day?"

"I know and I meant it but I had to tell you," Stefan sighed, tears were threatening in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Elena asked concerned for her boyfriend.

"Its Damon, the other night when he was with Caroline and Tyler, Tyler transformed he went for Caroline. Damon intervened he was bitten Elena." Stefan choked out, emotion burned in his voice.

"Oh my god is he..." Elena couldn't finish the sentence, they had just buried Jenna, now this.

"Yeah, there's not much time left, Elena if there's anything you want to tell him..." Stefan choked up again.

"Today he came to the house, he tried to apologize oh god Stefan..." Elena said as she broke into tears.

The rest of the day moved by slowly, Damon was laying in the basement of the boarding house. After an intercepted attempt at suicide, Stefan had shoved him in one of the cells.

Damon groaned in pain, the werewolf venom was spreading quickly.

Elena walked down the stairs to the boarding house cellar.

"Damon?" she whispered as she got to the cell, he looked so broken, 'this isn't right' she thought to herself as she opened the cell door. She knew Stefan told her to keep him in there that he could be dangerous.

"Elena... you shouldn't be here." He said in between coughs. Blood soaked his hand.

"Shh... its okay come on let's get you upstairs were its more comfortable." She said as she slowly helped him off the dirty ground.

Damon cringed as they ascended the stairs. When they got to his bedroom Elena helped him out of his dirty clothes, he stood there in nothing but his boxers. He looks so childlike.

"You getting me naked looked so much better in my dreams," he laughed painfully.

"Well I am glad you still have your humor." Elena choked back tears, as she helped him get into his bed, he was boiling hot.

"Damon I am going to go and get a cool cloth you stay here okay." She said going to the attached bathroom.

Damon just smiled, where would he go he could barely move, the pain was so intense.

When she got back he had gotten worse. Sweat was pooling off his body. "Elena!" he cried out.

"Hey, hey I am right here. Your okay." She said patting the cool cloth on his head.

"You shouldn't be here, I could hurt you." He whined.

"Hush, I am not going anywhere you got it. I am here until the very end." She said as she felt tears welling in her eyes, she still couldn't believe that he was dying.

"I am so sorry, for everything, I have done so many things to hurt you." Damon moaned, the pain was getting worse he could feel the poison getting closer to his heart.

"Shh, its okay, I forgive you." Elena said, tears slipping down her face.

"Hey, it's okay, I deserve to die, I have made so many choices that have gotten me here. But if I didn't make those choices, I would have never met you. I love you." Damon groaned.

"I know, I know." Elena said, deep down she wanted to tell him she loved him too.

"I wish you could have met me in 1864, you would have liked me," Damon said, his eyes closing, all the energy in his body was leaving him.

"I like you now, just the way you are," Elena cried, putting her lips to his, the kiss was small but full of emotion.

"Thank you," he sighed, knowing that it was her way of saying goodbye. He could feel the venom hitting his heart. He only had moments left.

"Tell Stefan I am sorry, that I love him, please." Damon moaned out, he could feel the breath in his dead lungs leaving him, he could feel the burning of the venom numbing his heart.

Elena cried, as she felt his body go limp in her arms.

"No, no, no. Come back please. I love you." She cried, into his chest. She saw the dark veins come over his body.

"AHHH please god." Emotion wracked her body.

Stefan walked into the boarding house, he was ready to go and talk to Damon one more time. He had been searching all day for a cure, there was none that existed.

As he walked into the foyer he heard the cries of distress. He sped upstairs, his brothers bedroom door was ajar. He heard Elena's cries, he was too late.

He walked in the room, he had not expected to see what he did. Damon lay on the bed, covers covering him up to his upper chest. Elena was draped over him, she was shaking, Stefan could smell the salty smell of tears. He noticed his brothers body was covered in the dark veins of death.

Stefan fell to the floor, it felt like he himself had been staked. He struggled deeply to keep his humanity on.

They all stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity.

Stefan finally stood up and went over to Elena, prying her away.

"No Stefan please, I can't leave him here like this." She cried.

"Elena please, we will burry him, he needs to be buried Elena." Stefan said pulling her into a hug.

"No, it's not fair, I never got to tell him," Elena felt guilt in her voice.

"I know Elena, I know you love him," Stefan choked out.

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