Chapter 18

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Stefan sat at the end of Elena's bedside nursing his aching neck. 'I pushed him to far this time.' Stefan thought to himself rubbing the spot where Damon nearly crushed his windpipe.

The wax of the candle beside Elena's bedside was fleeting. The light slowly dimming. Stefan drove into the drawer for another one pulling out Damon's letter. He sighed as he read his brothers calligraphy.

"Oh Miss Elena, you must wake up. I fear Damon will not survive this if you perish." Stefan whispered taking the girls frail hand in his own.

There was a small knock on the door, Emily Bennett walked into the room with her magic bag in toe.

"Master Stefan, can you please fetch your father for me?" Emily asked quietly so not to wake Elena.

"Right away Miss Bennett." Stefan said quickly as he scurried towards his father's room.

He knocked softly on the hard oak door. "Father? Miss Bennett is here." He said just above a whisper.

"Good, tell Malcom to wake your brother." Giuseppe replied in a thick voice as he rose from his bed pulling his robe tight against his body.

"Right away father." Stefan said rushing to find Malcom.

Damon felt like his head was in a vice when Malcom finally rose him. Every sound was amplified beyond human recognition. The floor was moving in ways unnatural. Damon squinted as he saw the empty bottle of bourbon on the floor of his trashed room.

"Fuck." He groaned as he swung his legs slowly over the edge of his bed, placing his left foot to the floor to steady his spinning head.

"Master Damon, Miss Bennett is here." Malcom said again in a soft quiet voice, which to Damon sounded like gunshots.

"I heard you the first four times Malcom. I am coming." Damon snapped back as he guzzled the glass of water beside his bed.

When the three of them entered Elena's room, Damon, Stefan and Giuseppe were shocked to see what Emily was doing.

A blue light surrounded Elena's body as Emily's hands were raised upwards. Emily slowly dropped her hands upon hearing the men enter the room.

"It is a good thing you called me Master Salvatore." Emily spoke to Giuseppe.

"What is wrong with her Emily!?" Damon demanded.

"Damon!" Giuseppe warned.

"It is alright Master Salvatore, Damon is right to be upset. Miss Elena is very ill." Emily started. "The baby is much too powerful for her body."

Damon swallowed hard. "Is there anything you can do?"

"I have already done a protection spell on the child and on Miss Elena, but she is very weak. You must make sure she eats and drinks properly. Your son is a very powerful witch." Emily nodded.

"A witch?" All three men spoke.

"Yes, a witch. He is the descendant of both the Petrova Bloodline as well as Silas' bloodline. I realize that this information is of no use to you but it is amazing. Without the use of time travel this would never have occurred. Kathrine would never have been able to bare children with either of you. (Emily stated pointing towards Stefan and Damon) and in the past-future you both were vampires therefore unable to procreate." Emily explained extremely excited.

"So you are telling me this baby is like a super witch?" Damon said in wonder.

"Hmm, not a super witch, but a very powerful one. Unlike the Heretic we encountered earlier, who cannot make their own magic, your son makes too much magic. Elena here is oozing magic aura. This much magic is draining to have on all the time. The spell I put on the baby will slow his magic aura slightly. But I must warn you this pregnancy will not be like a normal human pregnancy." Emily sighed taking a sip of water from a glass Malcom handed her.

"What do you mean not normal?" Damon said eyes wide.

"Your son will be born in 4 months' time. His body is forming at a faster pace than a normal human child. If I did not put the protection on Miss Elena he would have been born in 2 months and it would surely have killed her." Emily explained with urgency in her voice.

"4 MONTHS!" Damon and Giuseppe gasped.

"Yes, 4 months. There is much to prepare. Miss Elena shall wake soon, she will need nutrients and to take this tonic daily until the birth." Emily said handing Damon a bottle of pink liquid.

"It will keep the baby from growing too fast and give her some energy. I hear that your wedding is to be tomorrow? I would advise you marry as soon as possible before Miss Elena is too weak." Emily nodded as she packed her bag up. "I will be back next week to check on Miss Elena and the baby. Good day Salvatore's." Emily said as she left the room towards the coach, Giuseppe and Stefan following behind her.

Damon stared at Elena as they left the room. His world felt like it was crashing in on its self. Last week he was dead, door nail dead. This week he is fighting heretics, and his brother's stupidity, and now. Now he stood eyes glued to the woman of his dreams, the one person who could contain the darkness of his heart. He felt responsible for her misery, he thought that if it wasn't for his genes she would not be in this mess. If she had married a normal human boy in the 2000's she would be safe, no magical pregnancy that could kill her, the hardest thing she could have faced would have been her husband's terrible cooking.

Damon sighed as he turned to leave the room as Marie came to help Elena wash up. Elena still had not woken and this worried Damon.

"Marie, please alert me when she wakes." Damon said as he began to walk from the room, his eyes falling to the floor. He studied each plank of wood as he walked to his room, eyeing each groove in the pattern trying his hardest to take his mind off of Elena. As he reached his room he sat on the bed closing his eyes for a moment, almost instantly sleep overtook him enrobing him in a quiet darkness.

Within his dreams he stood alone.

"Father, father..." a voice rang out in the darkness.

"Hello? Who is there?" Damon asked searching the darkness for answers.

"I am here father, Mother will be alright. She loves you very much. She will not leave you." The voice spoke again.

"Who are you?" Damon asked his eyes straining in the dark trying to find the body which the voice came from.

"I am your son father, Alexander Damon Salvatore."

Damon gasped loudly as he woke up, he felt his arms being shaken.

"MASTER DAMON!" Malcom yelled loudly, he caught his mouth with his hand abruptly noticing that Damon was staring widely at him.

"Master Damon excuse me I am so sorry I shouted at you!" Malcom said embarrassed. "But you were in such a dead sleep, and Marie told me you told her to wake you when Miss Elena rose. And I couldn't wake you and..." Damon put his hand over the servant's hand.

"Malcom, please calm down I am not upset with you. You said Elena is awake?" Damon said sitting up on his bed.

"Yes sir, and she is asking for you." Malcom replied.

Damon felt a weight lift from his chest. 'She is going to be alright' Damon thought to himself the words of his dream echoing in his mind.

A/N: hiyaaa ☺️ sorry for the late update I've been meaning to publish hope you enjoy 💕

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