Chapter 4

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As the first day in 1864 ended, Elena went to her room, Marie assisted her out of her gown, leaving her to just stand there in her underwear. Elena chuckled, 'goodness, look at this underwear.'

"Miss, your sleeping gown?" Marie said as she helped Elena into a sleeping slip. The sleeping gown was made of a light purple silk, it fell loose around her curves.

"Thank you, Marie, goodnight." Elena said as she headed to the bed. The maid nodded as she left the room to her own sleeping quarters.

The sheets were soft, smelling like lavender. Elena let her mind settle, the day had been quite the ordeal. Yesterday she had thought she would never see him again. All this time she had been madly in love with Stefan, yet now being in 1864 the only person she wanted to be with was Damon. It amazed her that her affection to Stefan as a human was not there. If anything, the only connection she felt towards human Stefan was a sisterly one. She wanted to get to know human Damon, before Kathrine corrupted him. He had been right she did like him in 1864.

Damon stood at Elena's door, unsure if he should knock or just walk away, he had, had a nagging feeling the whole day. Something he couldn't shake about the mysterious girl he found in the woods. He pushed his forehead to the door, so many emotions were coming over him. He wanted to make his father happy, all that Damon had ever wanted was to please his father, yet he wanted to make Elena happy as well. He would not just marry her for her "breeding" qualities as his father so nicely put it. He wanted to know her, all of her.

He took a step back from the door, still conflicted in his decisions. He softly knocked, so softly that Elena barely heard it.

She got up from her bed, tip toeing over to the door. It made a small creak as it opened.

"Oh, hello Damon." She said surprised to see him.

"I am sorry I know this is not appropriate, but I had to see you before bed, to wish you a well rest." Damon said blushing.

"It is alright would you like to come in?" she asked, not even bothering with the appropriate standards of the time.

"Miss Elena, I do not think that is appropriate, that may tarnish your image." Damon replied shocked.

"It will do no such thing, come in Damon please, I just wish to speak with you in private." Elena retorted.

'This woman is sure a strange one.' He thought to himself as he walked into the room, he hadn't been in this room since his mother's passing. It was designed for his sister, a sister he never got to meet, as she was taken too soon from this world. Damon felt a wave of sadness enrobe him, he pushed it aside.

"Miss Elena are you alright? Today was quite an ordeal for you, do you still not recall anything?" Damon asked concerned.

"No, I still only remember the name Emily Bennett. I have no idea how I ended up in your woods, or why I was not clothed." Elena said her cheeks getting hot.

"Oh dear, please do not be embarrassed, I did not look at your body. I was merely concerned with your health miss." Damon said his own cheeks glowing red.

"Do you not find me desirable Mister Salvatore?" Elena flirted, 'I don't know what I am doing, he is going to think I am a flake.'

Damon was caught back at her words, "Miss Elena on the contrary I find you ravishing." He stated licking his lips.

Elena gasped, '1864 Salvatore is still such a flirt.' She smirked.

"Well Mister Salvatore, I must say you are rather ravishing yourself." Elena said raising her eyebrows slightly.

Damon felt a lump growing in his throat, he did not want to be to forward, he wanted to get to know this woman.

"I would appreciate it greatly if you would allow me to court you Miss Elena?" Damon stated bluntly.

"I would like that very much Mister Salvatore," Elena smiled, 'I don't know why but I feel so safe with him, much like when we went to Georgia, I wish he could have those memories.' Elena sighed, feeling a small tear coming to her eye.

"Miss Elena, what is wrong have I upset you?" Damon was worried as he noticed Elena's eyes filling with tears.

"No, very much the opposite, I am happy." Elena laughed. Secretly she was missing her Damon, in essence this Damon was Damon, but her Damon was different, more hard. Not that she missed the harshness he had, but she missed the passion, the adventure. She wondered if this Damon also had that fire.

Damon sighed in relief 'this girl is very peculiar.' "I must be getting back to my room Miss Elena. Tomorrow we will go to town and buy you some new dresses, and we will look for this Emily Bennett, okay?" he smiled as he took a hold of her hand and placed a small kiss on the top of it. Elena gasped, it was the same tender kiss he had given her the first time they had met, back in 2010 at the boarding house.

"That sounds wonderful Damon, and please call me Elena, just Elena." Elena smiled as he nodded and left the room.

Damon smiled to himself as he got to his own room, 'This woman will be the death of me. I think I am falling for her.' He sighed as his maid helper Marcel helped him out of his dress clothes and into his sleeping attire.

Emily Bennett watched from the crystal as the lovers drifted off to sleep, 'there is much that needs to be prepared,' she thought looking over an old spell book. The tattered pages revealed an old prophecy. She had to ensure that the two fell in love, so much was at stake. Kathrine must never be allowed to meet the Salvatore brothers, that much Emily knew. But the rest of the details of the prophecy were very vague.

By the twentieth hour of the twentieth of May two thousand and eleven, Across the hours of time, a doppelganger must travel. To save the ones she loves. All will be lost if she is to perish, a soul connection made true. To ensure the fate of all the living, the blood of the first born must be taken to where it all began. So, mote it be.

The cryptic nature of the passage put a bad taste in Emily's mouth. The blood of the first born, it was so vague, does that mean Elena's blood or the first child born of her and Damon's love. Based on the dreams she had been having it was the child, yet this passage did not ensure that.

Emily put the book down, rubbing her forefingers over her temples, she had ensured one thing; Elena and Damon had met, they had begun to feel affection towards each other, and Giuseppe's views of Damon had been altered. Now was to meet with Elena to ensure that she stays clear of Kathrine, who should be arriving in three weeks, based upon the visions.

Emily knew Kathrine had to die the visions she got the night that Damon died in the future told her that. An evil was in Kathrine, an evil that even the devil himself wanted to kill. Emily knew that to kill Kathrine would not be enough, she would have to trap the evil within a magical vessel and destroy it. She also knew that it had to been Elena that killed Kathrine.

So much needed to be done.

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