Chapter 7

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When Damon woke up it was dark, he looked around the room confused. The darkness made everything in the room invisible. 'What the hell? This isn't my room?' he thought to himself. His head was throbbing, it felt similar to a really bad hangover. He sat up in the bed, suddenly realizing exactly where he was. The four-poster bed felt exactly as it had over 150 years ago. The soft glow of a candle burned came to the door, a man walked in his room.

"Son? Are you okay? You took quite a tumble out there," Giuseppe asked genuinely concerned.

'Son? Dad? What the fuck? I am in hell, I knew I would go to hell. I am in hell. Oh god this has to be hell.' Damon thought to himself, extremely disoriented.

"I think so father," he replied his voice raspy, 'why is he so nice?'

"Good, then get dressed and meet Elena and I in the grand hall." His father said as he left the room.

'Elena!?' he thought perplexed.

Malcom came and helped him find an appropriate outfit. Once he was dressed he looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was back to its curly unruly self, no special hair products here. He sighed, if this was hell there could be a better place for it. Damon felt like he was in a daze as he descended the stairs of the old manor. Stairs creaking in all the usual places. The smell was just as it used to be, it felt like home.

'This is just freaky, the house is exactly like I remember, it must be my mind creating this hell. Why is Elena here? As punishment?' he was so disoriented as he got to the Grand hall.

"Damon come and sit, there is much that needs to be addressed. As you both already know there is a very important prophecy that needs to be fulfilled. Emily has informed me that you both need to be betrothed by the next new moon, this would ensure that an heir would be conceived within the proper time. The new moon so happens to be this next Friday. Therefore, we must get on preparations. From now on Elena you must go by Elena Gilbert, your story is that your parents perished in a carriage crash and Damon found you, you have become smitten and therefore since you are an orphan we have taken you in and you are wedding my son." Giuseppe stated taking a long puff of his cigar. "There shall be no questions, I will leave you both to discuss." He said as he got up and left to his study.

Damon sat absolutely in awe, 'if this is hell? What is heaven like? Because I walked into the best moment of my life.' He smiled.

"Um, do you want to go for a walk, I realize that this is a lot to take in." Elena said noticing Damon's look.

"Uh, yeah let's go to the garden." He said reaching for her hand. Elena smiled sweetly and grabbed his hand as he led them out to the garden.

Familiar sights and sounds enveloped his senses. His human senses, it felt so different being human again, another thing he was attributing to this "hell" dimension.

"I am really sorry about dropping all that information about your future self on you. I hope your okay, I was worried when you passed out." Elena said staring at the ground.

'Future self? Passed out?' Damon looked at her confused.

"I just, I don't know I thought it would help you understand more why I didn't tell you the truth at first. I didn't want to freak you out," Elena sighed as they sat down on a bench.

"Elena? How are you here? I mean I know that this is all in my mind this hell dimension, its just you seem so real?" Damon asked taking his hand and stroking her cheek softly.

"Hell dimension? What are you talking about? I told you I came here after you died in the future. I guess Bonnie said I was connected to you with my soul, and when you died it was killing me. That and she found Emily's prophecy." Elena explained again.

"What? Sabrina said we are connected by our souls? What does that even mean?" Damon said running his hands through his hair.

"What did you call Bonnie?" Elena asked her eyes wide.

"Sabrina, you know witchy. Come on El, you know I always call Bonnie that, and Care is Blondie or Vampire Barbie?" Damon said clearly confused why Elena would be shocked at his nicknames.

"How do you know that I never told you about Caroline or about Bonnie?" Elena felt her heart racing.

"Elena? This is my mind, my hell remember." Damon stated.

"Damon this isn't hell, this is 1864, when you died I came here Bonnie sent me back here." Elena said again.

Damon suddenly felt sick. "Wait your telling me that I am really here, you are really here? No, no that doesn't make sense. I just, you were just. No!" Damon stood up abruptly pacing back and forth.

"What is this all about your scaring me, did all the memories from the crystal, are they messing up with your mind? Did you hit your head when you passed out?" Elena got up and took a hold of his arm.

"No! you don't understand. Elena I am me, like 2011 me." Damon said shaking.

"That's impossible Damon you died, your mind is just jumbled up." Elena said trying to calm him down.

"No! ask me something only 2011 me would know, please anything." He pleaded her.

"Um okay, I mean I don't think you got all your memories in the crystal so... um okay where did you put the moonstone and who stole it?" Elena asked feeling proud of her question, this would prove that Damon's mind was just jumbled up.

"Elena you could have tried harder than that, I put it in the soap dish, Kathrine stole it." He said lifting his eyebrow.

"Oh my god, it's you, its really you!" Elena squealed as she grabbed him into a bone crushing hug. She looked up into his eyes, she noticed the hardness, the Damon- ness, the Damon she knew, that she loved. She reached up, all the way on her tip toes and closed the distance between them. Taking his lips into hers in a mind-blowing kiss. Damon was caught off guard he couldn't believe that Elena was kissing him. He pulled her closer to him, deepening the kiss. Realizing that he was human and so was she he pulled back as they took much needed air.

"What was that for?" he asked confused.

"I am so sorry, I didn't tell you..." Elena broke down into tears. Damon pulled her into a hug.

"Didn't tell me what babe? You're okay I am here, its okay." He said petting her hair.

"When you died, oh god, I wanted to tell you I love you too." She said between sobs.

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