Chapter 3

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Elena felt as if she was being twisted and pulled apart. Her entire body was on fire, as flashes of light surrounded her. There was a bright flash accompanied by a loud hissing noise and then her world went black.

"Miss? Miss?" Elena heard a familiar voice as she began to regain consciousness.

"Hello?" she moaned out, her eyes adjusting to the sunlight.

"Oh, dear Miss, please use my overcoat to cover with, what has happened to you?" the voice called out to her, she looked up it was Damon, a much younger, softer looking Damon. She smiled inwardly, taking the coat he offered her. Glancing down and blushing hot in embarrassment, 'apparently time travel does not include clothing' she noted as she lay on the forest ground, naked.

She remembered what Bonnie told her, if she got to keep her memories to not let anyone know who she was, to pretend she could not remember, but to above all find Emily Bennett; the only person she would be "able" to remember.

"Oh, I am so embarrassed Sir, I have no idea what happened, or who I really am for that matter. I only remember my first name, Elena and the name of someone called Emily Bennett." Elena pretended to not know who she was.

"Oh no need to be embarrassed Miss Elena, this is awful. I will take you to my family home. My father will not find it fit for a young maiden such as yourself to be all alone in the woods in your condition." Damon motioned to her nudeness. "We shall find you some clothing and I will personally find this Miss Bennett you speak of, and how rude of me I am Damon, Damon Salvatore." He replied as he helped her from the ground and proceeded to assist her with walking to the house.

The house that they went to was not the boarding house, but the home that Stefan had once showed her ruins of. It was beautiful, a mansion no less.

"This is your home Mister Salvatore?" Elena gasped reminding herself of the etiquettes of 1864.

"Oh Miss Elena, please call me Damon, Mister Salvatore is my father." Damon smiled warmly, his demeanor was so much different yet so like the Damon she was used to.

Giuseppe Salvatore emerged from the home, "Damon, dear God who is that woman?!" he gasped loudly.

"Father I found her in the woods, she does not remember where she is from, only her first name, Elena." the way her name rolled off his tongue excited Elena, the Damon she knew would do that too, it always made her legs go weak.

"Well, we must get her inside Damon, quickly, the poor thing looks malnourished, call for Marie at once." Giuseppe ushered them inside, the inside of the home was just as marvelous as the out. The floors were made of pure oak, polished to perfection. A colored maid came quickly to Elena's aid.

"Marie, please escort Miss Elena to a room, the poor dear has had an ordeal, she shall stay with us until further notice. Please find her a gown for this evening, there are still quite a few of the late Lady's she may borrow until we can go to town tomorrow." Giuseppe ordered.

"Yes, Master." Marie replied as Giuseppe dismissed her.

Elena followed Marie up a winding flight of stairs. They reached a room with pale violet walls.

"Miss Elena, does this room meet your standards? There are a few more you could choose from." Marie asked.

"No this is perfect thank you." Elena was in awe, the room had a large four poster queen sized bed, the bed was made of solid pine, and stained a dark cherry. The floor was the same as the rest of the house pure oak, the only difference was the thick deer skin rug that was placed beside the bed. There was an adjoined bath, much like Damon's bedroom at the boarding house, except lacking modernized attributes. There was however still a very large clawfoot tub, which Marie was filling.

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