Chapter 15

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Elena stumbled up the stairs to find Marie, she had not completely lied to Stefan she did feel unwell. She wondered if it was the heat, this era had no central air and the days had been extremely hot.

"Marie?" Elena groaned as she finally found the mocha servant fawning over some sheets in a guest bedroom.

"Miss Elena? Oh, dear are you alright?" Marie said noting the paleness in Elena's face.

"No, no Marie I do not feel very well." Elena said, her heart began to beat fast and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

"Miss Elena! Oh goodness, Malcom! Marcel! Come quick the lady has fainted!" Marie screamed to the other servants as she rushed to Elena's aid herself.

"Oh Miss Elena, please come back to us. Master Damon will be furious if I let anything happen to you." Marie cried as she cradled Elena's head in her lap.

The male servants, followed by Stefan came rushing to the women's aid.

"Oh my god! Marie what happened to Elena?" Stefan gasped, he had thought Elena was upset with him and had rushed off. He had not actually thought she was ill.

"I do not know Master Stefan, she just came to me unwell and suddenly she collapsed. Oh Malcom, Marcel please help me get her to her bed. She needs to rest, oh, oh, Master Damon and Master Salvatore will be much displeased!" Marie said rushing around the little room looking for a face cloth.

"Marie, please calm down. My brother and father will not be angry with you, they will only worry of Elena's health. I will mount my horse and look for them while Marcel goes to town to fetch Dr. Fell." Stefan exclaimed his green eyes sparkling with importance.

His words seemed to calm the stout woman, her aging face softened as she gave Stefan a faint smile.

"Aye, Master Stefan you are right, rushing around will not help the Missus." Marie said as she headed to Elena's room with the wet cloth in her hand.

She pushed the soft cloth to Elena's forehead. She noted that Elena felt warmer than she should, so she quickly rushed to remove Elena's dress to cool her.

Elena moaned, as she stirred, her dark brown eyes opening slowly.

"Oh Miss Elena!" Marie sighed, "Master Stefan the lady has opened her eyes!" Marie smiled widely.

"Yes, see Marie calm and collect is the approach needed." Stefan nodded from the door way.

Elena moaned out as she once again fell out of consciousness. Marie gasped, "Oh dear, Miss. She has gone again." Marie shook her head.

"I will be back soon Marie, I am going to find my brother and father, Miss Elena's condition is concerning." Stefan exclaimed as he pushed back from the door.

"Please be safe Master Stefan, I would hate for you to get hurt, especially with those animal attacks!" Marie worried.

"I will be fine Marie, try not to worry so much. Please take care of my brothers betrothed." Stefan said as he turned and headed down the stairs to the stables.

Unknown to him, Damon and Giuseppe were already back to town. Stefan was quick to mount his horse, his horses name was Filipe, he was a strong stallion. His coat was a dark brown and his mane was just as dark. The horse had a fine temperament and could run at extreme speeds. Stefan was quick to move down the road, towards the west.


"Father! Please stop this nonsense." Damon begged as his father pulled at Damon's shirt.

"I shall do no such thing Damiano. You must be fitted for this tuxedo today! You are getting married tomorrow, as what Miss Bennett said this morning is disgraceful, and no one is to know of your sins." Giuseppe commanded as he helped Damon into the suite jacket.

Damon rolled his eyes as he buttoned his cuffs. "You realize that in the future sex before marriage is the rage?" Damon smirked as his father's face pinked with fury.

"Damon! Do not speak like that in public. Your mother raised you with more respect than this." Giuseppe seethed as he rushed out of the changing room to pay for the tux.

Damon laughed as he slipped the tux off and got back into his regular clothing.

"Okay father, where are we off to now?" he chuckled as they left the suit shop.

"We are done for today, Marie will take Elena to get fitted for a dress as soon as we get home." Giuseppe noted.

Damon nodded, suddenly he stopped walking abruptly.

"Damon?" Giuseppe commented.

"Father, is that not our carriage that Dr. Fell is getting into?" Damon gasped as he walked faster towards the carriage.

"Damon, slow down I can not run boy!" his father yelled behind him. Damon ignored the man's pleas.

Damon took off in full speed, if anything had happened to Elena he would never forgive himself.

"Dr. Fell? Where are you going?" Damon panted as he reached the carriage just as Marcel was about to shut the door.

"Master Damon, you should hop in, it appears your betrothed is very ill." Dr. Fell commented.

"Elena is sick?" Damon asked his blood running cold.

"Yes, from what Marcel has informed me." Dr. Fell nodded.

"Dr. Fell, good afternoon, is everything alright?" Giuseppe said as he finally reached the carriage.

"No, I fear not, as I was telling young Damon here, we must get to your home quickly it appears Miss Gilbert has taken a turn for the worse and is very ill." Dr. Fell stated.

"Oh, dear god, I will meet you both at home, I must go get Noir." Giuseppe said has he squeezed his son's shoulder in comfort.

Damon nearly missed the gesture of kindness, for his mind was focused on getting to Elena.

The ride back to the manor felt like it took ages. When they finally pulled up in front of the doors Damon pushed the carriage door open quickly. He did not even let Marcel park. "Damon!" Dr. Fell gasped as he watched the young man rush to the door.

"My god that boy will get himself killed on of these days." The doctor sighed out loud.

"Marcel, please direct me to where Miss Gilbert is." Dr. Fell requested as he pulled his medical bag from the carriage.

Giuseppe was not far behind them and his pulled up beside the carriage with Noir.

"Malcom!" the old man yelled towards the servant who came rushing out of the house. "Please mounted Noir in the stables and put the carriage horses to the barn. I must get to my son," Giuseppe said as he rushed up the steps slightly limping on a bum leg.

"Damon!" he yelled as he reached the foyer.

However, Damon was already in Elena's room. "Master Damon! You mustn't be in here with Miss Elena indecent like this!" Marie gasped, quickly covering Elena's undressed form.

"Oh Marie, it is not like I haven't seen her naked before." Damon sighed, little did he know that his past self-had seen Elena naked the first day, so his comment didn't really shock Marie.

"It is still not proper!" Marie demanded.

"I only want to see if she is alright, please." Damon begged.

"Is the Doctor here yet?" Marie asked as she made quick work to straightening Elena's hair and wiping her face, so to save some of the girl's dignity.

"Yes, he is down stairs and should be up soon." Damon sighed as she reached down with his hand a brushed a stray hair out of Elena's closed eyes.

"God, Marie she is burning." He commented.

"I know Master, I have been trying to cool her for hours, she just keeps getting hotter." Marie mumbled sadly.

Damon chewed his lip fervently. Emily had prophesied that Elena and his son would destroy Kathrine in 18 years, so he knew that she would be alright, she had to be.

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