Three days crawl by as Deku and his family wait of the letter from UA. On the fourth day, the letter finally arrived.
Deku’s mom was nervous, Ahmya was shaking with excitement and, their dad was still away on a business trip but was listening in through the TV. The letter had arrived and the three sat in the living room together. A holo-disk fell out.
Ahmya: ”So, ya nervous?”
Deku: “To be honest, not really. I’m sure I did well on the written test and I had scored the highest points in the practical exams.”
Hisashi: “Oh really? How come you didn’t tell us that day?”
Deku: “Well, it wasn’t anything special so I didn’t feel the need to...”
???: 'I have a feeling that you just forgot about that.'
Deku paid no mind to the voice in his head. Inko was so proud of her son that she had tears in her eyes.
Inko: “T-they...grow”
Deku: “Mom! Why are you crying??”
Ahmya: “Just open the disk already!”
Deku opened the disk and a Not a recording, it was live!
Inko and Hisashi were stunned. Both for quite different reasons while Ahmya, knowing All Might, was just wearing her signature grin.
Ahmya: “Hey All Might! How’ve ya been? Did Aizawa get any new cats?"
All Might: “Ah, young Abyss! He has gotten a few more. I believe he got a calico and a completely white one. Ha! Looks like a cloud that one! But enough of that. I need to talk to young Midoriya.”
Deku: “What is it All Might?”
All Might: “Young man, you have passed the exams with flying colors! Welcome, to your hero academia.”
Ahmya gave Deku a noogie.
Ahmya: “See? I told ya you could do it!”
Inko: “I’m so proud of you two!”
She then starts crying again.
No one could see Hisashi’s face. It was contorted with anger.
Hisashi: ‘Why is HE here? They normally just send a recording. Does he...? No. No it can’t be. Not my son. Of all the people, you chose MY son? Are you doing this just to get back at me? You asshole....’
He could not afford to talk to his son right now either. Toshinori would recognise his voice in an instant.
After a bit of chit chat, he told Deku that he had something important to tell him and that he should move somewhere private.
The two women left Deku to his own devices after they heard that and now, Hisashi was shaking with fury. Good thing no one can see him.
Ahmya: “What’s up dad? You were awfully quiet back there.”
Hisashi tried to hide his anger as best as he could. Yet his voice still had an edge to it.
Hisashi: “Oh nothing. It’s just that, I’m so happy for you two. My daughter is an awesome pro hero and my son is following in her footsteps too. Well, I have to go now. Goodbye Ahmya, Inko. ”
Ahmya noticed that something was off with her dad’s voice and tone but thought nothing of it.
Deku went to his room and locked the door behind him. All Might started explaining the situation to him.
All Might: “Young Midoriya...I want you to be my successor.”
Deku: “...what?”
???: ‘My thoughts exactly.’
All Might: “Let me elaborate. This quirk of mine is called ‘One For All’ and I want you to inherit this power from me.”
Deku: “...since when can quirks be transferred and why do you specifically want me of all people to inherit it?”
All Might: “I was there when you saved your friend from the slime villain. I was also, watching when you killed that 0-pointer to save young Uraraka.”
Deku: “Okay? So what? I did what I had to do to save them.”
All Might: “Even when I and the other pro heroes couldn’t do anything to save your friend, you stepped in to do the job yourself. And a mighty fine job you did. I could tell that you started moving before you even realised it, just to save him. That, is a true mark of a hero. I should have stepped in but, I was out of time. Any more and I risk permanently hurting myself.”
All Might deflated into his skeletal form and lifted his costume to show his fatal injury.
All Might: “6 years ago, I got into a fight with one of the strongest villains to ever exist. He called himself All For One. I managed to kill him but he destroyed my left lung and kidney in the process. I need someone else to carry on One for All’s legacy and I think that you...are the perfect successor.”
Deku: “I...I don’t think I’m good enough. I’m flattered that you offered me it but, I’m not good enough for it.”
All Might was surprised. Who would refuse to obtain such a powerful quirk?
All Might: “Well...if you insist, I suppose I cannot force it upon you."
Deku: “I’m sorry if I hurt your feeling All Might. I won’t tell anyone about your quirk but...”
All Might: “But what?”
Deku: “I DO have someone in mind who would fit all these criteria’s.
*time skip brought to you by Aizawa being smothered by cats*
???: ‘You should’ve taken it you know.’
Deku: “What makes you say that?”
???: ‘Who would refuse such power? You didn’t even have to work for it. It showed up at your doorstep. Yet you refused.’
Deku: “Just because I could have it doesn’t mean I should you know. I don’t think I’m worthy of it and that’s that. Who are you anyways? You just show up in my head every other day.”
???: ‘Don’t you get it yet? I’m a part of you. I’m the virus that melded with your DNA. The reason you have these powers.’
Deku: “Stop bluffing. Seriously, who ARE you?”
???: ‘*chuckle* who said I was bluffing?’
Deku was shook. Does this mean that he never had a quirk in the first place? Was he quirkless and the powers he has are because of a sentient virus?
???: ‘Hey that’s just mean. I was a person before you know. Albeit, not from a world like this.’
Deku: “What are you saying? You were a human who somehow turned into this virus and SOMEHOW travelled through dimensions? I am having a hard time believing that.”
???: ‘Oh it’s true alright. Have a look.’
Deku: “Have a look at wha-“
He was cut off by a surge of the virus’s memories. He lived in an isolated town in the U.S.A. Hope, Idaho. This NGO named Blackwatch had made this town. The place was designed like a Utopia. The only thing required to enter and settle there was a shot of a "vaccine". The people thinking nothing of it obliged happily.
In a few days, the whole town was overrun by these monsters. All the people who lived there suddenly turned into them without any explanation. Everyone except this one woman. A mother of the boy whose memories Deku is seeing. Her name was Elizabeth Greene. The virus had melded perfectly to her DNA, making her able to control the other infected. Her child was possessed powers too but not like his mother’s.
The innocent vaccine was actually a virus. The Redlight Virus. This wasn’t an NGO, it was a private military testing out a bio-weapon. Goes without saying, it went horribly.And now, the perfect weapon was born from Elizabeth. Her son, which the Blackwatch Soldiers called...“Pariah”.
Suddenly, the memories get cut off.
Pariah: ‘I’ll show you the rest later. You’ve arrived.’
Deku: “Should I call you Pariah too?”
Pariah: ‘I like to go by the name my mom gave me. Ethan Greene,’

A virus, a quirk and two young boys (Prototype x MHA crossover)[UNDER REWRITE]
Fanfiction"It is the obligation of those born strong to protect the weak. Never forget that. And whatever you do, never... become the monster I had to be." But it was the destiny of the Prototypes. We all...became monsters in the end. What was the saying agai...