"It is the obligation of those born strong to protect the weak. Never forget that. And whatever you do, never... become the monster I had to be."
But it was the destiny of the Prototypes. We all...became monsters in the end. What was the saying agai...
The very next day was their scheduled trip to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or as it was better known, The USJ.
Midoriya wasn’t really excited for it. He still hasn’t gotten over what happened yesterday with Kacchan. He didn’t mean to yell at him. Much less leave the school campus without him. He didn’t mean to shut out his newfound friends either.
Emotions can ruin someone, or help them greatly. He will learn that today.
They were getting on the bus that would take them to said USJ.
Iida: “Please form neat lines as you board the bus.”
Tsuyu: “But they’re the public busses kero.”
Iida: “....oh...”
He looked embarrassed. Not even that. He looked humiliated. Midoriya felt bad for him.
Midoriya: “...it’s okay Iida. Everyone makes mistakes. This is nothing...”
He attempted a smile but failed. Now Iida was feeling bad for the greenette. They boarded the bus and Midoriya ended up in between Ochaco and his childhood friend, Bakugo.
Midoriya: ‘This could’ve gone better...’
Ethan: ‘Yeah no shit.’
Midoriya didn’t say it out loud be Ethan still heard it.
Midoriya: ‘You...you can hear me?’
Ethan: ‘Duh. How do you think I responded?’
Bakugo looked at his friend. He never wanted to hurt him like this. He could see the pain in Midoriya’s eyes. He would resolve this. No matter what.
Bakugo: ‘He looks like he’s deep in though. Better not bother him right now.’
Ochaco notices all the tension between the two boys. Deku didn’t seem like himself yesterday evening. Even Bakugo looks sad. She would ask Bakugo, but Deku is sitting in between. That would have to wait.
Midoriya: ‘Hey if you don’t mind me asking, who was that Mercer guy Blackwatch talked about?’
Ethan: ‘Oh that piece of trash? You can take a look at him.’
More foreign memories invade Midoriya’s brain. He was an older, more matured Ethan. He was standing up on top of a building, staring down at another Prototype. Alex, Mercer. He hadn't noticed Ethan.
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He felt disgusted as he saw Alex murder the infected, civilians and Blackwatch soldiers alike. Not because of his actions, but because he was...
Midoriya wakes up. This was the first time he ever fell unconscious while looking through Ethan’s memories. His emotions felt so raw...intimate. As if Midoriya himself was feeling them.