Ch.6: The quirk apprehension test

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On his first day, he saw that he was assigned to Class 1-A of the Hero Course. Two other names cached his eye. Bakugo and Uraraka. They were in the same class as he.

Deku: "Well at least I won't be completely alone."

Ethan: 'Aw forgot about me already?' in mock sadness.

Deku: "You don't count, Ethan."

Ethan: 'And why is that?'

Deku: "Well, first of all, you're not someone I know, but am stuck with. Second of all, you're not human. Hell, for all I know, I'm just schizophrenic."

The other students could hear Deku talking to himself and were subsequently weirded out.

Deku: "Anyway, we should head to class."

Ethan: 'We are venom'

Deku got confused.

Deku: "W-what?"

Ethan: 'Nothing. It's just a reference of a really old movie I like.'

*Smol timeskip brought to you by salty Monoma*

Deku stares at an abnormally tall door with a plaque with "1-A" written on it. He can already hear Kacchan in there arguing with someone.

Deku: *chuckles* "Typical"

As he entered class, every student present in the class stopped what they were doing and were staring at him. The class teacher hadn't arrived yet. He saw an empty seat behind Kacchan and he immediately took it. No one had uttered a word yet.


He then noticed something moving in the corner of his eye. He looked over to see the girl he had saved a few days ago. Uraraka. She had immediately noticed Deku.

Uraraka: "Oh hey!...wait a sec, I never even got your name!"

Deku: "Y-you can call me Izuku. Or Deku. Whichever one you prefer I guess..."

Uraraka: "Deku it is! It gives me a feeling of 'I can do it!'."

Deku: "Yeah it's just a nickname Kacchan gave me. *points to Kacchan* His real name is Bakugo, by the way."

Uraraka notices the blonde haired bomber for the first time. She starts talking to him and the class wasn't silent anymore. They were murmuring amongst eachother. 'What? They know eachother? Weren't these two the 1st and 2nd in the entrance exams? I saw the plain looking one blow a hole right through the 0-pointer's head!' Kacchan notices this and gets annoyed.

Kacchan: "Don't you all have anything better to do?"

A few moments later, the homeroom teacher wal-I mean, crawled though the doorway and he was in a sleeping-bag for some reason. No one noticed him except Kacchan, but he didn't say anything. The rest were still busy harassing Deku.

They only saw him when he stood up, still in his sleeping-bag.

Aizawa: "It took you 8 seconds to notice me and shut up. You'll need to work on your observation more."

He looked like he hadn't slept in a month. Large, dark bags under his eyes, his fatigued posture, his tired voice, led all the students to believe that he would collapse in exhaustion at any moment.

Kacchan: "Who are you?"

Aizawa: "I'll be your homeroom teacher. Call me Aizawa. Shouta Aizawa."

He then told his students to go down to the training grounds. Iida and Momo asked him about orientation.

Aizawa: "U.A. lets its teachers teach as they please. I need to see your skills, your capabilities, your drive. Now, get changed and get down there. Well, unless you want to be expelled."

The class was shocked. They had just got into the school. It was their first day! He couldn't do that!

Aizawa was amused by seeing their expressions.

Aizawa: 'Heh, never gets old.'

Aizawa: "Don't believe me? I've expelled whole classes before. If I feel like you are not unable to become a hero, I'll just expel you to save you your time and effort. Now, orientation won't show me your capabilities, will it?"

*Another smol timeskip brought to you by Kiribaku*

All the 1-A students went down to the training grounds to see a few courses. A 50 meter dash, a long jump, a strength test, a ball throw, and a few more.

Aizawa told everyone to start at the 50 meter dash and that he would be calculating their time.

Deku cleared it in a several bounds. He cleared it in 4.1 seconds. It was obvious that the only one who was gonna be able to touch him when it came to speed was the blue haired boy, Iida.

When it came to the strength test, though, Deku came first with the grip strength of 800 kilograms and the only person nearing him was Mezo Shoji at 540 kilograms.

Deku also, came first in the long jump with a ridiculous score of a 34 meters. The height of an average building. Everyone was once again, shooketh. But now, it was Kacchan's turn. He told everyone to move back a bit. He then created two huge explosions that sent him flying into the sky and his maximum height reached was 33 meters.
Deku was proud of him.

Deku: *smiles* 'Oh, so that's the new move he was talking about the other day. It's pretty good. I wonder what it's called...'

At the ball throw, Uraraka came first with infinity just like she did in canon. Kacchan then came up to the circle.

Kacchan: "Okay...lets see..."

He throws the ball with the strongest explosion he could muster at the moment. Aizawa reads out...

Aizawa: "758 meters"

Deku wonders what he could do in the ball throw. He steps up and forms his hammerfists. The second he flings his arm forward, he can hear Ethan wheezing his heart out in his head.


He screams as he gets catapulted across the field and falls face first. He can still hear Ethan wheezing. Back at where all the others are, Aizawa nonchalantly reads out...

Aizawa: "673 meters. He still has the ball in his hand and technically, he did throw it. Now, someone should go help him"

He then walks off back into the school building and some of the students do the same. Uraraka, Bakugo, Todoroki, Tsuyu and Iida go to help Izuku.

Ethan: 'HAHAHAH you shouldn't have done that. Do you even physics? I thought you could have figured that out *wheeze*'

Deku: "You're kinda mean you know that?"

Ethan: 'I've been told that, yes.'

If Deku could see Ethan, he is sure that there would be a dumb grin plastered across his face. Just then, the five students arrive. Three of them looking concerned, one seemed indifferent and Kacchan was smirking.

Kacchan: "That's a pretty nasty fall you took there."

Uraraka: "He's right. Are you ok Deku? You didn't break any bones did you?"

Tsuyu: "He seems fine to me, Ochaco. *ribbit*"

Iida: "Are you injured in any way? Should we call the nurse to check up on you? *robotic hand movements*"

Deku: "G-guys, I'm fine. I just didn't think that something like this would happen! Thanks for your concern though."

While all of this was going on, Todoroki observed Midoriya. He was trying to find what makes him tick, what he's weak against, what his powers are, everything. He had no intention of making friends. In his eyes, they are just obstacles in his path to becoming the number 1 hero. And Midoriya, was by far the largest obstacle yet.

A virus, a quirk and two young boys (Prototype x MHA crossover)[UNDER REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now