Ch.15: Almost Murdered A Whole City. Nothing Special.

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Midoriya was already in his uniform and was ready to leave for the festival.

Inko: “Izuku!”

He turns around to see his mother tearing up.

Inko: “I’m going to record the whole festival in HD! I love you son...”

Midoriya gave her a bright smile.

Midoriya: “I love you too mom. See you tonight.”

Suddenly a portal opened up beside Inko.

Ahmya stuck her head out.

Ahmya: “Oh by the way, I’ll be visiting you guys at the festival. Gotta go!”

With that, she went back in and the portal closed.

Ethan: ‘Did you ever wonder what her pocket dimension looks like?’

Midoriya: ‘Well, knowing her, it’s probably very messy in there.’

Midoriya gave his mother a hug and set out for UA.

Ethan: ‘What do mean?’

Midoriya: 'Well, she keeps everything that doesn’t fit in her room in her dimension. So yeah, pretty messy in there.'

Ethan: ’You know, your mom’s pretty nice.’

Midoriya: ‘Speaking of moms, what was your mom like?’

Ethan: ‘I have very faint memories of her. All I remember was that she was a very kind person. Well, until she went crazy and almost murdered a whole city anyway. Eh, whatever. She’s nothing special.’

Midoriya: ‘Wait...did you just say that your mother almost murdered a whole city’s worth of people?’

Ethan: ‘Yes? Pretty sure that’s what I said.’


His outburst led to several people giving him weird stares.

Ethan: ‘Oh right. I forgot you aren’t used to that.’

Midoriya was in shock. Wasn’t used to that? Was that an everyday thing for Ethan?
But he lost his train of thought as his phone started ringing.

It was his dad.

Midoriya: “Hey dad. What happened?”

Hisashi: “What? Heh, nothing happened. I just called to tell you that I’ll be watching the sports festival. I’m proud of you son...give it your all.”

Midoriya smiles to himself.

Midoriya: “Thanks dad, I’ll do my you.”

He hangs up and keeps walking.

Hisashi:Good thing I stole that Multi-Vision quirk a few years back.'

As Midoriya kept walking, Ethan wondered to himself. Should he tell him? That the person in his head; the person that is the reason he isn’t “quirkless”, was a ruthless murderer?

Midoriya: ‘Did you love your mother?’

Ethan without even thinking replied.

Ethan: ‘I still do.’

*time skip brought to you by All For One with his face intact*

Class 1-A had changed to their school issued training uniforms and walked out into the stadium. Hundreds of thousands of people were cheering from the stands. Izuku felt puny in the presence of such a crowd.

A virus, a quirk and two young boys (Prototype x MHA crossover)[UNDER REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now