*next morning*
While walking to school, Deku had two things in his mind. The first being about Kacchan. Did All Might give him One For All? The second being whether he was able to trap enemies with his biomass just like Kamui Woods does with his special move, “Lacquered Chain Prison”.
Deku: “Hey Ethan, can I do what Kamui does as his special move?”
Ethan: ‘You mean that thing he does where he traps his enemies with huge wooden tentacles?’
Deku: “Uh, weird way to put it but yes.”
Ethan: ‘Try something simple first.’
Deku: “Like what?”
Ethan: ‘Whipfist. You have extra biomass as I do. Use it to stretch your limbs. You could either form a small-ish blade at the end or leave it blunt. That takes a bit of practice though. I’d advise starting with the blade since you can already form the claws.’
Deku: “Guess I'll try it out at school today.”
*time skip brought to you by me being surprised at getting 1k reads*
Aizawa: “Today, you’ll be choosing your hero names. This is an important aspect when it comes to your approachability and popularity if you’re into all that.”
He seemed worse this day than the day before. In fact, no student ever saw him not tired.
All the students cheered and thought about all the names they had already made for themselves. Well almost everyone. Deku had no idea what to name himself. Kacchan never thought it worthwhile.Aizawa: “Since, I’m bad at names, I brought in Ms. Midnight to help you with this.”
Deku didn’t pay attention. He was talking to Ethan. Well, whispering more like...
Deku: “I never thought what my hero name should be!”
Ethan: ‘I don’t know!? I never had to think up anything for myself either! The Blackwatch called me Pariah. And that ain’t that good of a hero name! The closest to anything of a hero name they gave me and Mercer was “Prototype”!’
Deku: “Actually, that doesn’t sound too bad...”
He walks up to the front of the classroom. And on his handheld whiteboard wrote the name, “Prototype”. He carried the legacy of the Prototypes. He himself was a successor to the Blacklight Virus. He just...didn’t know what it entailed...
Ms. Midnight quite liked the name so Deku’s hero name was since then, Prototype. After Deku had reached his seat, he heard Kacchan whisper to him.
Kacchan: “Psst, Deku, what do you think my hero name should be?”
Deku: “Why are you asking me this?! I’m not good at names at all!”
Ethan: ‘He can make explosions right? What about “Ground Zero”?’
Kacchan: “Well I’m worse at it! Anyth-“
Deku cuts interrupts him.
Deku: “What about “Ground Zero”?”
Kacchan grins as he hears that name.
Kacchan: “Yes...”
*Time skip brought to you by wattpad’s confusing ranking system*
Today, it was time for combat training and Aizawa told his students to put on their hero costumes and go to the urban training grounds. Again, everyone had their canon hero costumes other than Deku. His costumes didn't have any visible support items other than his utility belt containing first aid. Not that HE needed any. It was for times when his allies could get hurt. What it did have though was a lot of synthetic biomass sewn into it for Deku to use and manipulate at his will. It looked like a normal pair of jeans and a leather jacket with violet tracing and a white shirt underneath. Uraraka called him out.

A virus, a quirk and two young boys (Prototype x MHA crossover)[UNDER REWRITE]
Fanfic"It is the obligation of those born strong to protect the weak. Never forget that. And whatever you do, never... become the monster I had to be." But it was the destiny of the Prototypes. We all...became monsters in the end. What was the saying agai...