Ch.14: What Lies Ahead

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*cough* Hecc wasn't canon *cough*

The next day at UA, All Might had offered Midoriya and Bakugo to have lunch with him at break-time. Naturally, they both agreed to.

The second they were alone in the room, All Might turned back to his skinny form and asked.

Toshinori: “Bakugo, how has One For All treating you?”

Bakugo: “Well, I haven’t really used it after the combat training with Deku. Honestly, I’m scared to use it just because of the fact that it breaks my body everytime I do use it.”

Toshinori: “Well, maybe you should treat it like your own quirk and not like a special move.”

Bakugo: “What...what do you mean by that?”

At this, Toshinori just smiles softly.

Toshinori: “You’ll see...”

Bakugo: “Why can’t you just tell me!?”

He says with his voice raised.

Toshinori: “You see, if you don’t figure it out by yourself, you’ll be just handicapping yourself. You cannot just rely on someone else to fix your problems for you. You need to learn One For All, make it your own.”

Ethan: ‘Pshhh that’s bullshit. Why NOT take shortcuts? They exist for a reason. For the world’s number 1 hero, he ain’t that smart.’

Midoriya: ‘Don’t say things like that! You’re just being rude.’

Ethan: ‘I don’t see the problem in being rude. Who cares if someone’s feelings get hurt?’

Midoriya was disturbed by Ethan’s sudden change in personality. He wasn’t this uncaring until the while USJ Incident.

The other two notice Midoriya’s troubled expression and Toshinori puts a hand on his shoulder, breaking Midoriya out of his thoughts.

Toshinori: “ okay kid?”

Midoriya: “...huh?! Oh...yeah I’m fine...just...*sigh* nevermind.”

Bakugo: “I know that expression anywhere. Something’s bothering you.”

Midoriya: “No.. It’s fine..”

Bakugo: “No it isn’t. What happened?”

He was remembering what had happened to the Nomu. Was Deku beginning to remember that too?

Midoriya: “I told you, I’m fine...”

Bakugo needed to know if Deku was remembering those memories.

Bakugo: “I know you’re lying.”

Midoriya was getting more annoyed by the second.

Midoriya: “I’m not...”

With that he leaves the room, leaving Toshinori and Bakugo alone.

Toshinori: “You shouldn’t push him like that.”

Bakugo: "He's hiding something."


*time skip*

It was a week before the Sports Festival starts. Bakugo had put in a request to the school for the permission to use one of the training grounds. Luckily, it was accepted. He was spending the seven days, exploding buildings and trees alike, still not wanting to use One For All.

Uraraka was spending her seven days working on building up resistance to nausea and jogging at the beach. Sometimes, she would see Deku doing the same. He would always be accompanied by an older girl with white hair and black wings. Uraraka knew her, just not personally. Isn’t her agency at Hosu City?

Midoriya would jog on the beach two times a day with Ahmya. It was no issue for her since she could practically teleport from her agency to her home using her portals. She was always intrigued about how her brother could basically run and work out the whole day and not even be tired by the end of it all. She liked Izuku’s quirk.

Infact, she openly wished she could have it. Hearing that had always made their dad chuckle.

When Midoriya wasn’t jogging, he was sparring with Ahmya. Sometimes, Ethan gave him tips on how to improve in basic hand to hand combat. He seemed more knowledgeable than Dad in this topic.

Even with super strength, he could rarely beat Ahmya and her portals. He never used weapons when fighting a living being until the fight with the Nomu.

One day, while sparring on the deserted beach, he noticed a familiar face observing from a distance away. Uraraka.

He called timeout and waved Uraraka over.

Uraraka walks over while looking at Ahmya.

Uraraka: “I know you! You’re Abyss right!? It’s so nice to meet you!”

She practically had stars in her eyes.

Ahmya then decided to pull the most overused joke ever. While nudging him in the back with her elbow, she said.

Ahmya: “Oh, who is this? Your giiirrrlllllffffrrriiiieeennnddd????”

That made the two teenagers blush and made Ethan wheeze hard.

Uraraka: “What? No! He’s just a friend!”

Ethan: ‘Oh man, I love how much of a troll your sis is!’

Midoriya: ‘Please stop, I’m trying hard to keep my composure right now.”

Ethan: ‘’

Midoriya: “Big sis, this is Ochaco Uraraka. She’s a classmate and friend of mine from UA.”

Deku: “Uraraka, meet my elder sister, Ahmya Midoriya.”

Uraraka was just staring at Ahmya.

Ahmya: “Hey, Uraraka! Sorry about what I said back there hehe... ‘Tis just a joke ya see? Nice to meet you!”

Ahmya smiles her signature bright smile.

Uraraka: “Deku never told me he had a sister!”

Ahmya feigns disbelief.

Ahmya: “*dramatic gasp* how could you do this to me brother!?”

Ethan: ‘Pfftt!!’

Midoriya: “W-well never came u-up!”

Uraraka: “He has such a cool sister yet he never talked about you once!”

Deku:  “Oh come on Uraraka! Stop bullying me >~< I already told you the reason!”

Ahmya playfully smacked Deku over the head.

Ahmya: “Excuses, excuses.”

Ethan: ‘Yeah your sister’s awesome.’

The whole week went by while everyone was training, and before anyone knew it, it was the day of the sports festival.

Hope you all liked this more story centered chapter.
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A virus, a quirk and two young boys (Prototype x MHA crossover)[UNDER REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now