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I didn't know why I thought doing two days of work in a row straight off the bat was a good idea. After days upon days of lying around my house doing nothing, exhaustion hit me quickly on the second day of work. Exhaustion plus my low mood wasn't a good combination and by the end of the day I was more than ready to get home.

Flash was asleep on the front porch when I got there. He must have been having a lazy afternoon because he raised his head and put it back down without getting up.

"Me too, Flash, me too," I said.

I went inside. Vic's car was here so I knew he was around here somewhere. I heard the sound of smashing, like glass. I frowned in confusion and jogged up the stairs. I followed the noise to the bathroom and stood in the doorway.

Vic was there on the floor, breaking all the tiles on the wall with a hammer. It was a job that had to be done, sure, but as I watched him I noticed how aggressive he was being. His eyes narrowed, focused on the wall as he swung the hammer violently into a tile.

"You wanna tone it down a bit?" I asked.

He paused for only a moment. The irritated expression didn't leave his face as he gave a nod and kept going. I flinch with each impact. He was obliterating the wall. I saw the pipes under the basin. He was getting too close to them.

"Be care-,"

It was too late. His hammer collided with one of the pipes, snapping it out of its position and then a fountain of water shot out right at Vic's face.

"Shit!" he yelled in surprise before falling back.

"Well that's what you get for hitting it so hard!" I argued.

He ignored me and struggled to get up as water blasted on him. I couldn't help but think of how comical the entire scene was and soon there was a smile on my face.

"Don't just stand there! Help me!" he said.

"I don't know what to do!" I said.

I got on my knees and shuffled over on the slippery floor. I reached out to try and help the water stop. I put my hand over the pipes, getting sprayed in all directions now.

"You're making it worse," he said, "Move your hands."

So, I did. He had the hammer and hit the pipe, trying to make it go back where it was supposed to be, but instead, even more water came spurting out at us.

"Yeah good job," I said with a laugh.

"I'd like to see you do better," he said playfully. The anger in his face was gone, and speaking of his face, he looked a mess and I couldn't help but laugh at that either.

"You look like a drowned rat!" I giggled.

"You don't look too great yourself. Wait here, try and stop the water, I'll get some tape," he said.

He got up, slipping and sliding on the floor. I put both my hands around the pipes, trying to stop the flow. It was like a damn kiddy pool in here now.

"Hurry up!" I shouted.

He came back a moment later with the duct tape. He got on his knees next to me and I let go of the pipe, making the water spray his face. I burst into laughter as he screeched and turned his face away. He looked like an idiot as he closed his eyes and tried feeling around for the pipes instead. It was so funny that I couldn't even try to help him.

He put the pipes back in place and wrapped the duct tape around them, securing them together and stopping the water from coming out, although it was still leaking water. He sighed as he dropped the tape on the ground and looked at me.

Twice in a Lifetime \\ KELLICWhere stories live. Discover now