Chapter 1

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At 7:45 AM, Krystal rushes through the busy streets of New York City. Twisting and turning her body in different directions and angles, she manages to dodge people as she squeezes her way through. She had stayed up late the night before kicking all five of her roommates ass's in Call of Duty, and so, this morning her salty roommates decided to turn off her alarm as revenge. She had barely managed to take a quick shower, slip on her scrubs and shoes, and tie her hair into a bun before rushing out of the apartment. Why she rooms with those idiots she calls her best friends will always remain a mystery to her.

There were six people who lived in the apartment in total. Krystal, Liv, Dylan, Aaron, Ryder, and Aiden. Yeah, it was a huge apartment. Krystal, Liv, Dylan, and Aaron all worked at the same hospital, Krystal and Liv both being nurses while Dylan was a surgeon and Aaron was a pediatrician. Ryder and Aiden were lawyers at this big law firm.

All of a sudden, Krystal slammed into something hard and felt herself falling. Closing her eyes, she waited for the impact of hitting the cement sidewalk but it never came. She heard a groan underneath her and cautiously opened her eyes one at a time. Her eye's widened at seeing a hard, suit clad chest before scrambling to get up but, being her clumsy self, only ended up falling back down and landing on the man again. She heard another groan before she was pushed off and rolling over and landing on the sidewalk on her back.

She sat up to see the man who crashed into her also sitting up but looking down at his left wrist, as if checking it over. She saw that it was beginning to turn purple. It was most likely going to swell up soon if he didn't put ice on it.

"Great. Just great," she heard him chuckle humorlessly to himself while still looking at his wrist.

He suddenly snapped his head towards her. The first thing she noticed about him were his eyes. Not only because she found that his eyes were a striking bluish grey color, but because it was filled with annoyance and anger. He had a strong jawline and high cheek bones to go with his dark brown hair that was cut shorter on the sides and longer as it went up and the front of his hair fluffed up. Overall,  Krystal had to admit he was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen.

"Are you just going to sit there and check me out all day?", she heard an angry voice snap, bringing her out of her thoughts. 

Getting up, she rolled her eyes realizing this was just another jerk encounter. Well, there goes being the most gorgeous man she's ever seen.

"Well sorry but if you would have just watched where you were going then none of this would have happened." She brushed off her scrub pants.

Krystal looked up to see that the man had already gotten up too and was standing about two feet from her. He was tall, maybe around 6'4, and was wearing an expensive looking suit. 

"Do you know who I am?" He said, walking closer to her and trying to intimidate her. He wasn't used to people standing up to him and he didn't like it one bit.

Oh, he was using the status card. Krystal rolled her eyes again.

"Yeah. A dick, control freak who thinks they own everyone." She sassed while crossing her arms.

"Well news flash bitch, I practically do," he growled out. "Including your ass."

Krystal scoffed. She doubted he did.

By now, the crowd just seemed to be walking around them, having their own places to go. Though, there were a few who watched the scene as they walked passed.

Before she could say anything else, a panting older man with graying hair came up to the two. 

"Sir," he said to the man. "Are you alright? I saw what happened from the car but was unable to cross the street at the time."

He gently touched the man's wrist before it was harshly yanked away.

"I'm fine Marshall. Just get me away from this low class bitch." He walked on without waiting for this 'Marshall' guy. 

'Marshall' nodded his head at Krystal before following after the man.

Krystal watched as they crossed the street, the angry man not even watching out for oncoming traffic, and got into a black SUV with 'Marshall' going up front to drive.

Sighing and shaking her head, Krystal walked off towards the hospital realizing she was now officially late for work.

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