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Luke's PoV

I went straight backstage because we go on in an hour and a half. When I get to the room I see that Rose isn't there.

"Where's Skylar?" Liam asks. I shrug my shoulders and sit back down next to Michael and Leah. After about 5 minutes of everyone interrogating me, their attention turned to Skylar who was standing in the doorway. She still looked upset. She made eye contact with me before looking at Liam.

"Can I talk to you for a second. Please." She asks barely audible. Liam nods and stands up. They both walk out into the hallway.  After ten minutes Liam comes back in looking listed off. He looks at me and charges at me.

"You. You're the one who's doing this to Skylar." Ashton steps in between us so he doesn't get to me.

"What happened Liam." Ashton asks calmly.

"She's leaving! She wants to leave and it's because of him! You know what she was fine earlier but then you had to go Be the superhero and follow her earlier. What did you say to her? She was fine earlier!"

"Obviously you are a horrible boyfriend to notice she is far from fine! She's depressed! I bet you didn't know that's the fans have been cyber bullying her since we broke up. I followed her because I knew damn well that girl needed help and I know for a fact that you don't see it because you don't love her a fraction of how much I love her!"

"LUKE! STOP!" I look to the door to see a crying Skylar. She signals to Leah and my eyes widen. Shit! I look at Leah.

"Leah I-"

"Luke it's okay." She pulls me into a hug and whispers in my ear so no one else can here her.
"I've known for a while. Don't give up until you have that girl back in your arms." We pull away and she smiles at me. I mouth 'Thank you' and she walks towards Skylar.

"Liam, come here please." Skylar says with tears still falling down her cheeks. Liam listens to her.

Skylars PoV
"Don't take anything out on Luke. I wanted to leave because this is all so much for me. Can you understand that please?" I whisper.

"No, it's not fair how he can treat you like that. He's being a dick for no reason!"

"Liam, stop."

"Why are you defending him? Oh I get it. I'm the rebound aren't I?"

"Liam no I told you from the beginning that I actually care about you. Don't bring Luke into this."

"Skylar look, I'm not bringing Luke into this, I've known this whole time. I know you have feelings for me and I know you care about me. But we both know that what you feel for Luke is soooo much stronger than how you feel for me." Liam says with a sympathetic smile.

"No Liam that's not true."

"Skylar, I understand. I care about you so much and I really enjoy being your boyfriend. But I rather you be with him and me be your friend again because everyone in that room can agree that times were easier back then."


"Skylar. I'm breaking up with you. You may not be my girlfriend anymore but you are still one of my best friends. And as your friend I need to tell you to go fix things with Luke because you guys are endgame."

"I don't want to."

"You say that now, but trust me. He loves you Skylar, do you love him."

"I don't know."

"Go find out." I look in Liam's eyes and wise that he has a smile on his face. He signals to the door to the dressing room. I give Liam a tight hug and thank him. He kisses my cheek and we walk back into the room while everyone stares at us. It was awkward silence until Liam spoke up.

"Oh yea! I broke up with her." He says so casually making me laugh. Everyone yells at him in confusion.

"Guys. It's okay. We're okay. I need a break." I admit and look around the room at all of my friends before my eyes land on Luke.
"I need to fix things with you." I say looking him directly in the eyes. We stare at each other for a few seconds before I can't stand it anymore. I run into his arms and we hug. I missed being in his arms so much. After a few moments we pull apart but still hold onto each other.

"Friends?" He ask with a smirk. I shake my head and kiss his lips.

"Luke. I love you." I say after we pull apart.

"I love you too." He says before kissing me again. We smile into the kiss as everyone around us cheers including Leah and Liam. We pull apart and hug everyone. Once I get to Leah I look at her.

"Please tell me your staying?" I say crossing my fingers. She laughs.

"I wouldn't even think of leaving you alone with these idiots.

"Alright Guys, as much as I love this moment, we have a show to get to." Leah and I say goodbye and good luck to everyone as they run out of the room. We looked at each other and laughed. What a day.

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