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"I'm honestly embarrassed to even know you guys." I laugh as I watch 5SOS act like deranged lunatics in the dressing room before the show.

"Come on Skylar! You know you love us." Michael taunts.

"I know." I sigh. After the boys got all hyped up we all walked backstage. I said good luck to each of them before they ran on stage. I stood backstage and watched the entire show. It was so cool watching everyone have such a fun time and seeing them do what they love. After about 2 and a half hours, they ended the show with a bow and ran off stage. I hugged each boy and told them how good they did.

"Did you like it?" Luke asks me.

"Of course I did! You guys did absolutely fantastic!" I say with a big smile. After the stadium cleared out a little bit, we headed back to the tour bus. We enter quietly Incase Leah is asleep. I don't see her so I go to her bunk to see get fast asleep.  I tell the boys and we all sit at the table and talk.

"It's going to be weird not to be in this bus, don't you think?" Niall asks.

"I don't think so, we still see each other almost everyday. The only difference is that we won't be stick in this bus." I respond.

"That's a good point. I think I'm gonna go to bed, see you guys tomorrow." We all say goodnight to Niall and he heads to his bunk. After a few minutes, everyone else decided it was time for bed. I hugged everyone good night and walked to my bunk. Right as I was about to fall asleep, I felt a familiar pair of lips graze my cheek.

"Sweet dreams, Rose." I hear Luke's sleepy voice whisper.

I let those words be the last thing on my mind before I fall into a deep sleep.

The next day!

"Guys! You seriously have to pack your bags right now, you have two hours before you need to get to the dressing room and I'm not going to pack for you so get moving!" I yell at the boys who are sitting in their buts doing nothing when they should be packing.

Today is their last show on this tour which means we will be back home in 24 hours which makes me SULER excited!

"Fine." They all groan and begin packing. Since I'm already done I decide to talk to Leah who's chilling in the back room.

"Hey." I say as I close the door to the back room behind me and sit on the couch with Leah.

"Hey, you finished packing too?"

"Yep. Are you okay? You've seemed sad the passed few days."

"I'm okay. Its just going to be sad when I have to go back to New York. I know it's only a month but I'm really going to miss everyone." She admits.

"We all are going to miss you too, but I'm sure the month will go by fast. I say we just enjoy this last day we have with you."

"That sounds like a great idea." She smiles.

"You're coming to the show tonight right?"

"Yeah." We spend the next hour and a half talking about random things before someone opened the back room door.

"Hey, we are going to get going to the dressing room now." Luke says. We nod and stand up. We follow the boys out of the bus and into the venue. Once we get through security, we head to the dressing room. The boys get ready for the show and I scroll through instagram. When the boys were all ready they came back into the room with a cake. They walked over to me and Leah and showed it to us. It said 'See You Soon! We Will Miss You!' On top. Leah gasps and says thank you.

"Did you know about this?" She ask me as she hugs everyone. I shake my head.

"This was all the boys idea." To be honest I'm really proud of the boys. They didn't like Leah at first yet they found a way to make her feel welcomed and loved. Once Leah was done thanking everyone, we dug into the cake. I really liked it and I think everyone else did too considering it was all gone in ten minutes.

"Guys, I'm sorry but I don't think I can perform anymore. I ate way too much cake." Calum groans.

"Suck it up buttercup, were on in ten." Ashton says playfully hitting Calum on the shoulder. We all groan as we stand up and begin walking backstage. One direction did their gig first and it lasted about an hour. We all watched as they went from song to song and now it was 5 sos time. They did their usual set list and stopped right before their last song 'She looks so perfect'. I was confused but watched intently as Luke spoke into the microphone.

"Okay guys! I hope you're having a great time tonight!" The crowd cheers as he speaks.
"I wanted to take this time to thank you guys for all of your support and I also wanted to thank some other people that we definitely couldn't be doing this show without. So we would like it if you guys could come on stage." He says turning to One direction, Leah and I. Leah and I's eyes widen in shock as we walk out on stage with the other band.

"If it weren't for these guys right here we wouldn't even be here right now. I'm so happy we got to tour with our best friends." Michael speaks, talking about One direction.

"And these girls, I have absolutely no idea how we could ever live without them." Calum laughs.

"It's true! No way 8 young boys can be stuck on a tour bus together for a month. These girls literally do everything for us." Michael says into the microphone.

"Guys, seriously, if you don't know these girls, that is my little sister,Skylar and our very close friend Leah and they do everything for us. They make us food in between shows, they make sure we get to shows on time. I mean you have no idea how many times we almost missed the shows but didn't because of these to girls. They are truly lifesavers and we love them so much." Ashton says standing up from his drum stool.

"Overall we really want to thank each and every person on stage with us, back stage and you guys in the audience for helping us achieve our dreams."Luke says genuinely thanking everyone.
"Which is why we wanted dedicate this song to all of you guys! Sing along if you know it!" With that the song began and we all danced around on stage as 5SOS sang their hit song. What a perfect way to end tour.

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