Chapter 1

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There is swearing (a lot of it) , sensitive topics such as abuse, sex, drugs and rock and roll baby

'Dad, I'm leaving!' You yell as you stand in your front door.
'Wait!' You hear a door slam and only a second later your dad runs down the stairs, with shaving cream still on his face. You chuckle a little.
He gives you a kiss on the cheek. 'Have fun and drive safe.' He says.
You wipe the shaving cream he has rubbed on your face away with the back of your hand. 'Goodbye dad.' You give a quick wave.

You step on your motorcycle and put your helmet on. You pull the choke all the way to try and start it. This old fucking thing never wants to start the first time. 'Come on.' You say in encouragement. You hear the noise of the engine roaring. 'Finally.'
The weather is hot for this time of year. You regret putting on a jacket before leaving the house but on a motorcycle you're better safe than sorry. You like riding your bike, even though it's only a 10 minute drive to school. It makes your head empty and helps you prepare for another day of high school.

'Is Steve at school yet?' You hear someone say as you park in front of school.
You take your helmet off. 'Good morning to you too. Also how am I supposed to know?'
'Oh I thought, maybe you called, before school, or something.' The boy asked, nervously rubbing his hands. His name was Frank, you wouldn't call him a friend exactly but you have known him for a while.
'No, we didn't.' You told him firmly.

You leave Frank to be and walk towards a group of boys leaning against a beat up pickup truck when you hear another car speeding into the parking lot.
Every. Fucking. Day. A lot of eyes go towards the Camero. I mean it's a nice car but that's probably not why all the girls are staring.
'Fucking Billy.' You say underneath your breath when you reach the group.
Billy only lived a couple houses down the road from you, so the sound of speeding sounded familiar to you. You must admit, that you liked driving a little too fast as well.

'Hey babe.' Steve says as he pulls you closer and gives you a quick kiss.
'Hey.' You answer quietly, being a little lost in thoughts. You look up, remembering.
'Oh, Frank was looking for you.'
'Oh.' He says. 'I'll talk to him later.' He stares off into the distance.
You're suspicious of his behavior but say nothing. He only acts this way if he has something to hide and surprisingly, you don't want to know.

A pretty girl with blonde hair walks up to you. More like running.
'Y/N!' She screams. 'You and Steve are nominated for king and queen!' She jumps up and down.
You're not sure what she is saying so you ask her. 'King what?'
She looks at you seriously. 'The prom. Next week.'
'Oh yeah the prom.' You look at Steve who is standing next to you. 'Fun.' Steve gives you a smile.
The girl looks at you disappointed.
'You know I'm not into that stuff Kat.' You tell her.
'I know but I thought you would be a little more exited.'
Kat or Kathrine is one of you best friends. She is a little too jumpy and bubbly for your liking and reminds you of a dog sometimes, but you love her very much. She is a nice breath of fresh air, since all of your other friends are misfits.
Billy had joined the group in the meantime. Kat pinches you in the arm slightly.
'Hey Billy.' Kat says while she's playing with her hair. Billy looks at her and gives her not as much
as a smirk.
You laugh, putting your hand on her shoulder. 'You are pathetic.'

The final bell rings. You swing your backpack over your shoulder and walk out of the classroom. Your head is pounding from the intense math lesson you had. You cannot risk to fail this class once more. You are already older than the rest of your classmates, making you 18. You want to still be a teenager when you graduate.
'So we're gonna go to my house and pick out outfits...' The blabbering of Kat fades as you see Frank handing something to Steve. 'Hey!' You yell as you speed walk towards them. As Frank sees your angry face his eyes widen and he quickly walks away. Steve turns around and puts his hand in his pocket as he leans against the locker. You stand in front of him.
'Hey Y/N.' He says in a shaken voice. Kat and company are approaching from behind.
You look at his hand is his pocket. 'Show me.' You say demanding.
Steve sighs and looks around, avoiding all eye contact. 'It's nothing, babe.'
You forcefully grab his arm out of his pocket and push it into the locker.
In his hand is a little bag with a couple of white and pink pills in it.
You tug the bag out of his hand. 'Ecstasy?' You ask him, immediately recognizing the pills.
'No, no. It's medication. Against..'
'Against what Steve?' You say, angrily letting go of his hand, seeing a red imprint you left in the shape of your fingers. 'Against fucking what? Your ''I'm fucked up in the head decease''? I've never seen medication that comes with a fucking smiley face on it.' You shout, pushing him into the lockers.

You walk out of the school building. You hear Steve and Kat yelling from behind you but you can't hear what they're saying, or you don't want to hear it.
You walk to the shack, that was probably used as a storage years before, that was the furthest from the main building and go behind it. You reach into your pockets and look for your pack of cigarettes. You put one in your mouth and before you could find a lighter, a fire is in front of your cigarette. 'Thanks.' You mumble as you breath in the welcomed toxicity.
'You're welcome.' You hear an all too familiar voice say. You could even hear that he was fucking smiling.
'Oh it's you. Of course you're here.' You say.
'Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine.' Billy says as he leans against the wall. He takes a puff from his cigarette and looks at the ground. He laughs as he picks up the bag with pills of the ground. 'Looks like you're going to have a party tonight.' He smiles as he holds it in the air waving it back and forth. You take it back from him. 'It's not mine.' You explain.
'Steve's?' He asks.
Your eyes widen. 'How do you know?'
'Well I knew Frank was dealing today and Steve wanted to buy something.'
'And you didn't care to tell me?' You almost yell at him.
'It isn't my business sweetheart.' He said. Something about him saying it like that made you feel weird inside.
'Steve is the worst.' Billy continues.
'You tell me.' You answer. Steve and Billy always had this alpha male battle going on. You could smell the testosterone if these guys were together. They have the same friends and Steve doesn't want to give up his leader position to the new bad boy. But if you ask me Steve looks like a pathetic little guy if he is up against Billy.
You throw your finished cigarette on the ground and step on it with your boot.
'I better get going.' You say to Billy.
'Whatever.' Billy answers. You sigh and turn around.

As you're walking towards the school again you see Steve talking frantically to Tommy, a red headed boy with freckles all over his face who was one of your mutual friends. He has his arm over a dark haired tall girl only known as B. You're pretty sure her real name is Beth. You have a couple of classes together but other than knowing she has something with Tommy, you don't know her very well.
Steve's hair looks like an absolute mess since he was combing his hands through it the whole time. You don't know why you feel so angry all the damn time lately. Every time something small happens it feels like a volcano erupting inside of you and you can't stop it. You didn't mean to react so intensely just a moment ago, but the damage has been done.

Unfortunately, your bike was parked right where they were standing. You take a deep breath and start walking.
'Babe, let me explain.' Steve calls as you walk past. You sigh and put your helmet on as you step on the bike.
'Come by at 8, but not a second later.' You call out to Steve.
This time the motor starts without a problem and you drive off the school's parking lot.

You hear a faint tap on your window. You look at the clock, it's 7:30 pm. You roll your eyes because of course he's too early. You close the book you were reading and throw it to the other side of the bed. Your cat wakes up from the nap she was taking at your feet. 'I'm sorry girl.' She rolls on her back and closes her eyes again. That cat definitely has 9 lives. She has been through it all and for her 15 years of age, she still looked like a kitten. A kitten with an eye missing.
You open the window and sure enough, Steve is squatting down on your roof in front of the window.
'You could have just rang the bell, you know.' You say as you let him go through.
'This is more fun.' He says smiling, while wiping the dirt from his pants. His expression becomes more serious when he realises he's not just here for a fun visit.
'I want to apologise.' He begins. 'I should have just told you. I don't know why I didn't, I didn't think it...'
'Steve.' You interrupt him, knowing he would otherwise keep going and say the same thing over and over again. He looks at you with sadness in his eyes.
'Look.' You pause for a second. 'I overreacted before. But you lied to me. Again.' You try to look him in the eyes but he's staring at the floor. You had nothing against the drugs but Steve was using it too much and it was getting to a point where you were concerned.
You sigh. 'So I guess I'm sorry too.' He looks up at you.
Your mind is going from one thought to the other. You don't want this to end your relationship. But you promise yourself this is the last chance you ever give him.
He lied a lot in the past before, about his previous relationships, about where he was and other bullshit. Every time you found out it would erupt into a huge fight and he would still keep lying. Now he said he was going to stop using hard drugs, yet here he goes again, not even a month after he promised you. You're tired of always fighting with him.

He's walking towards you now, taking slow steps.
'You're an asshole, you know that right?' You say as he comes closer.
'So I'm forgiven then?' He know you too well at this point. A smile is growing on your face that you can't hold back. He leans in closer to kiss you . But before he does you put your hand in front of his face. 'But no more lies, okay?'
He grabs your waist and kisses you while he pushes you onto the bed, your cat once more awoken.

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