Chapter 6

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In a corner you see Billy talking with a girl.
'Y/N...' Billy mumbles confused as you push him into the half opened door close to him.
'Hey!' The girl yells.
'Fuck off, blondie.' You say as you slam the door shut.
It appears you have gotten Billy into a bedroom. How many fucking rooms does this place have? You feel the anger and alcohol boiling in your veins. Who the fuck does Steve think he is? Controlling me like that. I'll fucking show him.
'What is going on?' Before he can finish you kiss him. It feels all kinds of wrong but oh so right at the same time. He answers your kiss just as passionately and grabs your waist.
After a second he pulls away, still holding you.
He shakes his head in disbelieve, but still with a little arrogant smile. 'And Steve?'
'Can we not talk about that.' You quickly say, kissing him once more to make him stop talking. He pushes you against the wall rather forcefully, but you don't mind.
It's a kind of feeling you've never felt before, it's like cropped up emotions finally starting to flow. Something that you didn't know you were missing. Your emotions felt like they blended together.
He grabs one of your legs and holds it up, having his other hand on your neck. He smells of cigarettes, booze and chlorine. But so do you.
You put your hands in his hair, it still feels damp. It's surprisingly soft. You twirl your hands through it.
He grabs your other leg as well, tilting you up and carries you over to the bed, you wrap your hands around his neck and your legs around his waist.
He drops you on the bed, quickly back on top of you. You run your hands over his back, pulling his shirt up. His skin feels smooth and warm. He does the work for you and takes off his shirt.
He grins as he leans forward to kiss your neck. Every kiss feels like electricity. His warm breath in your neck turning you on even more. You push him to the side, letting him sit upright. You sit on top of him, feeling him grow underneath you. He lets out a low groan as you grind a little on his lap, you smile into the kiss, liking that you turned him on. He takes off the sweater you put on only moments before. He quickly and smoothly takes of your bra. He takes a moment to look at your bare chest.
He turns you on your back again and takes his sweet time to kiss down from your neck, to your breasts, to your panties.
'Are you sure?' He asks holding the brim of your underwear.
You moan in return.
'Let me show you a good time then.'

The early sun rays creeping through the window hit your face. You slowly open your eyes to see that you are in an unfamiliar room. You feel around and realize you have no clothes on.
'Fuck.' You quietly whisper to yourself as you see dirty blonde curls peaking from underneath the blankets.
Did I really have sex with Billy?
Your legs ache as you pull yourself out of bed, searching for the sweater, and your underwear. You quietly sneak into the adjoint bathroom, hoping Billy doesn't hear you.
You look at yourself in the mirror. Your hair is all messed up and so is your make-up. You see a couple of little bruises on your neck, sticking out from the collar of the sweater.
What the hell did I do?  You put your hair in a bun and wash your face. You quickly drink some water as your mouth feels so damn dry.
You vaguely remember the night before, your fight with Steve and your desperation to take back control.

You walk out of the bathroom to see Billy standing up, naked.
You put your hands before your eyes as if you hadn't seen him like that before.
'Good morning sunshine.' You could hear a little laugh.
'Put on some fucking pants, will you?'
You hear him snickering.
'Alright coast is clear.' He says after a little.
You carefully remove your hands away from your face. Billy is looking you up and down.
You want to remove yourself from this situation as quickly as possible but then you remember he's your ride home.

He sits back on the side of the bed to put his socks on. You have no idea where your dress and the rest of your clothes were, probably still by the pool.
'So, ...' He starts talking. 'Never thought this would happen.' He looks at you.
'Neither did I.' You hold a hand against your head as it was throbbing painfully.
'Here, I think this is yours.' He laughs as he throws you your bra.
'Thanks.' You mumble as you turn around, take your arms out of the sleeves to put it on underneath your sweater, making it lift up and making your butt visible.
You hear Billy groan a little, when you realise why you quickly turn around again. You never been ashamed about your body but with Billy in the room you suddenly felt very aware.
He stands up and walks up to you with confidence radiating over his whole body. He puts his hands on your hips and comes closer to your ear. 'How about round two?' He says in a husky voice.
You move so you're face to face, lips almost touching. 'How about...' You run a finger over his bare chest. 'You take me home and we forget about this.' You push him to the side lightly. He looks at you playfully, like you're just playing a game. But you mean it, you don't want this to come out, especially not for Steve's sake. You chuckle a little at your own thoughts. Look who's lying now, you fucking hypocrite.

Your hair sways in the wind as you lay with your head against the slightly opened window.
You close your eyes for a second and listen to the radio playing some Mötley Crüe song you've never heard before, but Billy is softly singing along, knowing all the words. He wasn't trying to make any small talk, which you were thankful for.

The car comes to a slow stop and you open your eyes, seeing you are in front of your house.
'Thanks for the ride.' You say as you try to gather your things, still in the sweater without any pants on.
'It was a pleasure, all of it.' He smirks. You hope he remembers as little as you do from the whole ordeal. You make no comment and just close the car door. He speeds off as soon as the door shuts close. As you're walking up the steps, struggling to find your keys, you furiously hope nobody is downstairs yet, so you can just sneakily walk to your bedroom.

'Oh.' Are the only words that come out of your dad's mouth as he looks at you. Him and your two brothers are eating breakfast in the kitchen, which is visible from the front door.
Just my luck.
Your face turns red as you quickly run up the stairs.
'Looks like you had fun!' You hear Felix yell as you almost closed your bedroom door.

________________________________________________________________________________Sorry this was a little shorter but honestly writing the sex stuff is awkward as fuck haha, but I think it's more interesting this way idk

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