Chapter 8

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'What do I need, what... Aha!' You grab the box full of bikini's out of your closet. After rumbling through it you find three pairs that still fit. 'That'll do.' You mumble to yourself as you put them in your suitcase and zipping it shut. Spring break was finally here and this trip has been planned for months. You were going to Tommy's parents lake house, a couple of hours away for the week. The whole group was coming.
Before all the drama happened you were going to share a room with Steve. But because the air still wasn't cleared and there were only 4 bedrooms, you were going to share it with Lewis, which you didn't really mind. 
You are looking around the room to see if you forgot anything as you hear honking coming from outside.
'Y/N, the girls are here!' Felix calls from downstairs.
'Coming!' You swing your jacket over your shoulder and pick up the suitcase.
Polly has her arm out of the drivers window, holding a cigarette. "Money" by Pink Floyd blaring out of the speakers. You pop open the trunk and drop your suitcase in it.
'You got everything?' Kat asks as you sit down in the backseat.
'I think so.' You answer.
'Alright.' Polly says as she starts driving.

'Here we are.' Tommy says as he walks up to the house with the keys in his hands, followed by the rest of the boys.
'Took you long enough.' You say as you stand up from the steps you were sitting on.
'The bedrooms are all upstairs. The first one on the right is mine.' Tommy says as he opens the door. It's a fairly large house, with high ceilings and wooden details. You trust Lewis to pick a good room as he sprints up the stairs, so you walk through the back of the house to see the lake. You sit down on the dock that sits over the water, with your feet almost touching it. The lake looks absolutely beautiful, the sun is shining and the water is almost still.
'Bombs away!' You hear as Mike runs past you and jumps in the water, disturbing the peace.
A lot of water comes your way and you're soaked. Mike comes back up and immediately looks at you. 'Oh shit, sorry Y/N.' He says as you stand up. You think for a second and take of your shoes. I'm already wet, so. You walk back a bit, run to the edge and jump in.

'Why are you all wet?' Lewis asks as you get in the room, he picked a room with view on the lake.
'I got in the lake.' You say smiling, your wet clothes dripping a little on the floor.
'I can see that.' He says looking you up and down. You walk to the bathroom and take off your clothes. You're standing there butt naked when you realize your luggage is still downstairs, with your towels in it. Shit. 'Lewis?' You poke your head out of the door.
'Lewis?' You repeat as you look around the room, he isn't here anymore. Getting into your wet clothes again sounded like a horrible idea so you run to the bed to grab a sheet and wrap it around yourself. You quickly run through the corridor, off the stairs, doing your best to keep the sheet in place.
Your eyes meet Steve's when you get into the living area. You start laughing a bit out of awkwardness. You run over to grab your bag but holding up the sheet with only one hand wasn't really working out.
'Let me help.' You hear Steve say as he takes the bag from you. You smile and pull the blanket properly over your shoulders again.
You walk into your room and look at each other for a moment, a weird tension filling the room.
'So.. eum...' He scratches the back of his neck. 'Why are you... naked.' He sounds like he's scared to ask. You laugh and look down at yourself. 'Yeah, I took my wet clothes off and I...' You pause for a second. '...didn't have any dry ones.' You let out a chuckle. Damn this is fucking awkward.
'I'll let you get dressed.' He says turning to the door. 'See you around.' He takes a last glance at you.

'Oh no I didn't!' Kat gasps, hitting Mike softly on the shoulder. Everybody starts laughing at Kat's reaction. You are all sitting outside around a fire pit in the backyard, everybody is getting a little drunk. You sit with your legs beside you, leaning with your head on your hand. The fire tingles warmly on your face. You take a sip from your wine.
'What about Y/N?' Tommy asks the group.
'You've done plenty of crazy shit.' Mike looks at you.
You sit up straight and start going down the list in your head. 'Oh Polly and I once got backstage at a Van Halen concert.' You say laughing.
'How the hell did you do that?' Lewis asks you.
'Just a lot of flirting with the security guard.' You down the rest of your wine. The group starts laughing. You've always been a rascal, but now you're older it has turned into more illegal things.
'We once had sex on the football field.' Steve says looking at you, taking a sip from his beer.
You start blushing, not thinking he was going to bring something like that up.
'It was very... out in the open.' You say laughing a bit. Tommy gives Steve a nod of approval.
'I'm getting some more wine.' You stand up, Polly holds up her cup as you walk past, you take it from her and go inside.

'I'd thought you'd be freaky like that.' Someone whispers in your ear. You spill some wine as you get startled. You look to the side to see Billy putting a piece of gum in his mouth, leaning against the counter. That gave you goosebumps.
You let out a little chuckle and put down the bottle. 'You would never know.' You say downing half your cup before refilling it again. The wine was really starting to get to your head.
'Oh, but maybe I will.' He says while intentionally rubbing against you too close while passing by. You curse yourself for that night at the party.

You give Polly her cup back and she greedily drinks from it. You walk past your friends to stand on the back of the terrace. Leaning against the railing looking over the lake you light up a cigarette. It was such a nice night.
'You got one for me?' Steve says as he comes and stands next to you.
'Sure.' You hand him your pack and lighter.
You stand in silence for a while, looking at the stars at the sky, both blowing out little clouds of smoke. The presence of Steve was somehow calming and nerve-wracking at the same time.
'Isn't it time we clear things up?' Steve starts talking. You feel him looking at you don't look back.
You sigh. 'I guess so.'
'I've been thinking and I know it wasn't going well, and we have our fights but, ...' Oh no. 'I don't want to lose you. Not like that.' He stands a little closer, you look at him now.
'Come on, Steve.' You start speaking softly. 'I don't think this is going anywhere, anymore. You know that.' You try and say as calmly as possible, knowing you're breaking his heart. He gets tears in his eyes.
He looks over at the lake and is nodding his head. 'I know.' He takes a big gulp from his beer.
'Look, you've been my best friend for a while and, I want it like that again.' You say, meaning it.
'That would be great but it doesn't work that way usually.' He says.
'Usually.' You repeat. You take a long drag from your cigarette. 'I'm sorry, I really am.'
'It will take some time, but we'll be okay.' Steve says giving you a sad smile. You grab him and give him a hug. You stand there for some time like that, not wanting to let go. He's been important to you for a while and you really do care for him.

The two of you talk for a while longer, about school, his parents, all the small things. You don't mind the conversation but couldn't help but hear that little voice in the back of your mind, saying how much of a bad person you are. I didn't think I had a conscience.

The constant snoring of Lewis is keeping you from falling asleep, you've been tossing and turning for hours. With no way of drowning out the noise and no way of waking Lewis, since he is wasted. You get up from the bed and start walking around the house. You open the fridge door to get some water, you are honestly still kind of drunk but do your best to keep quiet and not wake the others. As you stand there gulping your water you see a silhouette standing outside. Oh no, all the movies about the teenagers getting murdered at a lake are true!

As you get a little closer, you realize it was not Jason Voorhees, but someone way worse.
'Can't sleep, sunshine?' Billy says looking back at you with a smirk, as you open the sliding door. Why does he keep calling me that? He's only wearing some shorts and no shirt. You're wearing the direct opposite.
'Lewis is the worst snorer I have ever heard in my life.' You say, trying to rub the tiredness from your eyes. Billy hands you a cigarette and you gladly accept. You've been a smoker for some years now and every time you can't sleep, you're hanging out of your bedroom window smoking.
Lighting it with Billy's zippo, you walk around, the wooden floor stinging your feet a little. The night air was cold against your bare legs, but it was welcome.
'Why are you up?' You say, standing next to Billy, handing him back his lighter. Then you notice he still has a bottle of beer in his hands, which he takes a sip from. 'I've always been a horrible sleeper.'
'Me too.' You answer. You rub your face with your hand. 'I didn't think sleep was something people were good at until I saw Steve fall asleep right when his head hit the pillow.'
Billy snickers. You know he didn't like it when you mentioned Steve.
You haven't looked at the time yet but you saw that the sky was getting less dark and soon the sun would rise.
You go inside to grab a blanket from the couch and go back out. You wrap yourself in the blanket and sit on one of the benches outside, the cushions slightly damp. You lay down completely and take the last drag from your cigarette, putting the butt in the ashtray on the ground. The birds are starting to sing their morning songs.
'Lift your head up.' You hear Billy say. You look to see him standing next to you.
'Why?' You ask as you do what he tells you to. He sits down where your head was previously laying. You just put your head back down on his lap, making him a comfortable but rather hairy head pillow.
You turn around to face away from him and look at the sun that started to rise. You feel him rest his arm on you. You can't keep your eyes open for another second and slowly drift away to a dreamless sleep.

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