11 slave

189 3 1

Woyoung POV

This has been going on every since they have put me in here.
I learned that creeps name is Carlos and his friends are Tyler, Brandon and Shawn.

( those are random names too )

I learn the girl name is Mina.
She is a quiet person but sweet.

Right now, Carlos and his gang are on the small dinner table waiting for the 2 of us to serve them food.
" I will help you with that " I said as Mina poured a glass of orange juice.
She smiled and said " Thank you "
I poured 2 cups and she poured the other 2 cups.
We serve their dinner and they didn't even say " Thank you "
What did I expect? They were laughing their butts off.

I saw Mina sitting on the couch in the small and pretty dark living room with a couple of lights in it:
I saw her wiped her tears and sat Besides her.
" Are you okay? " I asked.
" I just wanna go back home " she said trying not to cry " I miss my mom and dad I miss my family "
I hugged and her and tears started to form in my eyes too.
" I miss my family too " I said " I promise we'll get out of here someday "

" HEY BITCHES! " I heard Carlos yell

Mina and I quickly stood up from the sudden yell.
" I-I'm sorry " Mina said " I will make it better next time "
" AS IF! " he snapped.
"I'm sorry " I said as I bow 90 degrees " I will make it up to you "

" I swear I would have killed you! " he said
" But I like you as I maid so your lucky! "
He threw the half eaten sandwich back on his plate and said " Clean it up both of you!!! "
We didn't even waste seconds to go there and take their plates as they all left the dining room.

I washed the dishes and after I was done that Brandon guy came up to me.
" You said you will make it up to me didn't you? " he said with a little smirk.
I felt scared and my heart thumping against my chest.
Not only me but he looked at Mina too.
" The both of you no food for 3 days "

I closed my eyes in stress.
Carlos came up and dragged us back down to the basement.
He threw me in my cell and locked it and the same to Mina.
" No food for you two for 3 days " he said " Keep that in mind "

He then had his attention to the 2 boys who are also locked in a cell.
The chairs they were tied into was now gone and they were just locked in a cell like us.
" I would like you 2 boys later to clean the house " he said " Keep that in mind and if you mess up like these 2 bitches then no food for you guys too "

He then left the room and locked the door tightly.
Mina cried again and I hugged her from the cell even if the bars are tightening against my chest.
" I wanna go home " she cried.
I don't know why the sight of her crying makes me wanna cry to.
Tears escaped from my left eye and I can feel Mina's arm go around my back.
" Thank you for being there for me " she whispered " I don't know what I'll do without you "

Her tears streamed down her face more and I took the opportunity to wipe her tears.
" What did he do? " a deep voice suddenly asked.
I looked behind Mina's back and see Mark eyeing on us.
He had a cut and a bruise on his lips, A cut on his cheekbones and sweats were In his forehead.
He looked tired as I can see from the dark circle he had under his eye.
" I-I don't know " I answered him honesty.
I really don't know what I did wrong nor I can cook.
I mean I've cook once and my family loved it but...... what's this commotion then?

Mina sobs stopped and said " We are just a slave to them "
We all eyed on her because for the first time she spoke out loudly then whispering or crying.
" We are just a slave to them " She said.
" I know " I heard Mark said again " We all knew that from the beginning "

" I just wanna go back home " Mina said and is about to cry again.
I hugged her tightly again and said " Please don't cry they might here us "
It was silent until that Jisung guy spoke up.
" Can there be a way to escape? " He asked.
We didn't say anything because we are locked in here and we don't know where to go.
I know where the front door is and the back door since I've walked around the house while cooking for them.
" We can't " Mark said " We can't escape even if we do, we would end up being lost somewhere "
He was right. I don't know the way back home and I was knocked out when they took me here.
" D-Do you think the police is searching for us? " Mina asked.
" It's been on the news " I said " I think they are but I just wish it can be quicker "
" We all do " Jisung said " But to me it feels like they will never find us "


The door slammed open which woken me up from my sleep.
I opened my eyes to see Tyler and Brandon there.
" Wake up you useless slaves! " Tyler yelled
" You 2 boys need to clean up! "
Brandon opened up their cells and grabbed them.
The pushed the 2 boys out of the room and the door was slammed shut behind.
It was just like that.
Mina has also awoken from the sudden noise.
" Do you think they'll be okay? " Mina asked me after a distance of silence.
" I-i don't know " I said " I hope they won't get hurt they are in much worse statement then we are "
The boys suffer here a lot longer than we did.
They were here before us and I've seen scars and bruises the first I saw them.

" Do you think we should do something about it? " she asked.
I thought for a second and spoke once again.
" We can't really escape not knowing where places are " I said " Let's maybe know where the doors of the outside are at and then figure out where to run "
She stayed silent but nodded anyways.
" Let's start memorizing where things are " She said " And once we know let's get out of this place "

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