17 The run pt. 1

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Mark POV

I woke up by the sound of bird chirping and the day light.
I can't believe I had a perfect rest.
I sat up and stretched as I yawned and look out the beautiful morning.

I look to my side to see Jisung sleeping and Mina and Woyoung sleeping together.
The cool breeze hit my body and it felt so good.
I can finally breath in fresh air again.
I stood up and walked out of the cave still tired a bit.
But it was nice seeing nature again.
I smile at the thought of it but it faded when I thought about my family.
Are they okay?

I deeply sigh and leaned against the tree looking to see if there's any animals in here.
" You woke up to didn't you " A voice said
and I quickly turned around to see Mina.
Her hair was messy and her white dress was kind of dirty now.
" Yeah " I said " When did you woke up? "
" When I heard you walk away " She said
" I thought you were going somewhere and I wanted to follow too "
I nodded and I looked at the deep forest again.
" What are you looking at? " She asked.
" Animals " I said " I'm looking to see if there's any animals "

" Of course there are! " She burst out
" There's plenty of living creatures living here! We just haven't seen one "
She then stopped for a moment and asked
" Are you trying to catch some animals? "

Before I could answer she yelled
" IM IN! "
" Okay Okay Okay calm down " I said
" I don't really know how to catch animals because I didn't live as a hunter in my previous life and I don't know what I'm doing "
She then scoffed and and said " At least you have me! I can help you because I know how to cook meats! "

It was silent until i asked " If you knew how to cook why did you and Woyoung always gets a punishment for not cooking so good? "
Her smile disappeared. I knew I shouldn't have asked her that.
" I'm sorry-"
" Well that's because they didn't even have many foods in the fridge or the counter " she said " Yet they still complain "

I nodded in understatement and we began kind of walking along the way.
" So...... What did you mostly spend doing on your free time " Mina asked.
" Hangout with my friends " I answered.
She nodded and looked down.
" What about you? " I asked.
" I just stay home and..... Take care of my sick little sister " She said.
It was again silent.
She has a sister?

Snapping branches was all we heard until we see no animal and go back since we didn't wanted to go far.
" Let's go back " I said " We shouldn't be far from here "
" No look! " Mina said as she pointed to something " There's a lake over there! "
I looked where she was pointing and we saw a lake.
The water looked cleaned but who knows if it really is.
Mina ran towards it and I followed behind.

" Maybe we can use this for something " Mina said.
" For something? " I asked.
" Yeah maybe if we needed to wash ourselves? " She said " Or you know other stuff "

It was a pretty good idea.
I mean we have some water bottles and this lake isn't a good thing to drink so she was right.
We could use this.
" Let's go back " I suggested " They must be awake now "
She nodded and we both walked back.

Woyoung POV

I yawned as I woke up and stretched as I sat up.
" Had a good night sleep princess? " A voice said and I immediately turned to who ever said that to see Jisung.
" How long have you been there?! " I asked.
" I woke up 5 minutes ago " He said " I don't really know where Mark and Mina went so I wanted to wake you up to help me find them since I couldn't leave you here alone but seems like you were too comfortable in your sleep so I didn't "
I sigh and stood up.
I dust off the dirt off of me and asked
" Should we go find them? "

" I don't know " Jisung said " I don't wanna move I'm still tired "
" They're not lost are they? " I said again.
" No " Jisung said " I mean they're not dumb to get lost so yeah "

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