22 Searching for Woyoung pt.3

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Chenle's POV

The news has spread and right now I'm in the living room with Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun and guess who else? Lee Donghyuck aka Haechan.


Haechan and I met yesterday and we are both friends already.
And the news I was talking about?
The news about Kang Mina and Mark Lee being found.
When the news came in I swore I almost had an heart attack.

If they found Mina and Mark then where is Woyoung? Then where is that Jisung guy?

If they were found then does that mean they were put in different places?
What is the kidnapper trying to do? Who is he trying to fool?
Who is he trying to mess with? Why is he doing this?

Jaemin grabbed the remote and turned the TV off.
" They found 2 of them but the other 2 isn't found " he said " That includes Woyoung "

I sigh and grabbed the remote from him.
" Why'd you turn it off? " I asked as I opened the channel again " There could be something "

" Yeah Why'd you turn it off? " Haechan said.
" So you guys can here me " Jaemin said
" So I know you guys are listening to me "
" Yeah listening " Haechan said rolling his eyes.

Then there was the guy Mark Lee and they girl Kang Mina both in the screen which caught all of our attentions.
They both looked so skinny.
There was a difference of how they looked like before and how they looked like now.
I felt bad for them.
It must have been a tough time.

Reporter: so Mark? How have you manage to escape?
Mark: well I escaped with 3 other people and those are Mina * looks at Mina * Jisung and Woyoung.
Reporter: So you the other 2 was there with you guys too?
Mina: yes they were.
Reporter: Do you know who is the kidnapper behind all this?
Mark: actually we both do
Mina: we do.
Reporter: * kind of shocked * you do?
Can you tell us who?
Mark: there isn't one person behind all of this but 4 people were to blame.
Reporter: so your saying that 4 guys are doing this?
Mina: Yes.
Reporter: do you know their names?
Mark: we do actually.
Reporter: Would you mind telling us?
Mark: Their names are Carlos, Tyler, Brandon and Shawn. They are thugs and thieves.
Reporter: oh my. What about the 2 other friends?
Mina: when we all escaped we manage to get along together the first day in the forest but the second day, they found us and we went separate ways
Reporter: Wait so you guys stayed in the forest for days after escaping?
Mark: not for days. For months.
Reporter: Do you think Woyoung and Jisung will still be somewhere in the forest???
Mina: Yes. They are somewhere in the forest.
Reporter: are you sure?
Mark/Mina: Yes.


The boys and I manage to get to the forest as fast as we could.
But no sign of Woyoung.

What did I expect? Did I really think that if I called out her name and she will come out like a puppy?
Who am I kidding?

" So Woyoung is somewhere in the forest "
Jeno said " But how do we know she's in here? I mean there's a lot of forest here "

" I don't know " Jaemin said " But let's look and let's try not to look deeper "

We all followed the path in the forest.
It was quiet until Haechan spoke.
" Since when you guys looked for her? " He asked.
" Not long But also a long time ago " Jaemin said.
" What? "

" Can we just search? " I said as they all eyed on me.

" Sure " Jeno said after a minute of silence.
We all walked again.
I don't know why I felt so irritated.
I know I'm hungry and I know people say your not you when you hungry but I just ate before I came out.
Maybe I was tired?

I slept a good 8 hours last night.
Maybe I did.

I shook it off and went deeper to the forest.
" You Guys look! " Jaemin said " It looks like a fire has been set up here "

" It does " Jeno said as he squat in front of a burned leaves and sticks with some rocks around it.
Next to that was a cave.

" Wow this pretty cool " Haechan said
" I've never seen this cave before I came here "

" Maybe you were blind? "

" Shut up Jeno " Haechan snapped.

" This doesn't look old " I said " I mean you said people USED to camp in here "

" No one camps in here anymore " Jaemin said " No one never took a step into this forest every since 2016 "
( made up )

" Why? " I asked.

" Well a group of friends once camped out here and you know got drunk " He said
" None of them were sober so one of them accidentally spilled alcohol in the fire and the fire started spreading on the ground "

" So the whole forest burnt? " I asked.

" Yeah it was all over the news that day " Jeno said " Not only because there was a fire in here but all of them died and a married couple from afar "

Hearing the story now made sense.
Why would everyone just stop going to a place where they love?
If they do they always have reasons.
" So someone has been here " Haechan said " If they were then that must have been Mina, Mark, Jisung and Woyoung because they said they ran to the forest after their escape "

" But... " I trailed off " Where did they escaped from?

" Oh my god yeah.... " Jeno said
" Then where did they escaped from? "

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