15 escaped

130 4 0

Woyoung POV

I laid against the wall of my cells in boredom.
I already cooked and I only made them peanut butter and jelly which they complained about.
I took another deep sigh until someone spoke.
" What's wrong? " Mina asked.
" I just wanna get out of here " I said honestly.
Right now In any second one of those men will barge into the room signaling Mark and Jisung it's time to clean the house.
And yep they already barged in.

" Alright boys! " Tyler yelled " You know what to do! "
He opened the Jisung's cell first and yanked him out of there.

Suddenly Jisung punched him in the face making me sit up and move closer to my door cell.
Tyler didn't have any time to react. Jisung got on top of him and punched his face even more and more until blood got on his knuckles and he stopped.
Jisung quickly grabbed the keys and unlocked Mark first.

Just as he was about to unlock Mina, Tyler attacked Mark from behind.
" You little brats! " Tyler hissed " Don't you think you get could get out- "
He didn't finish since Mark attacked him.
" Jisung give me the keys! " I said as I hand out my hands.
Just as he was about to throw it to me and help Mark, Mark and Tyler's fight has became bloody and Mark threw Tyler against my cell.
Tyler leaned against it groaning In pain. I took this chance to do something.

I reached my arms and I cover his mouth and I started to choke him.
I covered his mouth in case he makes a noise making the others come.
He was sure struggling.
" Woyoung " Mark said.
" Don't worry I got this " I said trying not to yell " Unlock Mina now! "

Mark grabbed the keys and quickly unlocked Mina while I was still choking the life out of Tyler.
He deserved it. I choked him even more harder until I didn't feel him moving anymore.
Yep..... he's definitely dead.

I checked his pulse and it wasn't beating.
Mark unlocked me and we all quietly run out of the room.
Jisung grabbed a big black backpack and threw it at me.
" Here put the stuff here " he said " I'll go get the foods "
I didn't waste seconds to quickly fold the blankets in and stuff them in the bag.
I then remember I had to have shoes on so I quietly made my way to the front door to see any shoes.
To my surprise, I saw a black laced combat boots.
I ducked down and quickly grabbed the shoes and checked the size.
It was size 6 so I went back to look for socks.
I looked around the little wardrobe and see a pack of new fresh white socks.
I grabbed the pack and wore one and wore the boots as well.
I also put the pack of socks in the bag too.

All this time we were all quiet and all we heard was the mens laughing in the living room watching some TV.
Mina also wore boots but I didn't know if she had socks on. I didn't ask since she was busy too.
Mark pretended to be sweeping the living rooms they were at while grabbing a few stuff and hid it on his pockets without them noticing.
Just then Jisung came back with the foods.
" Here I got the foods " He whispered
" I'm gonna get some water I'll be back "
I nodded and he quickly went back to the kitchen.

Mina has some blankets and foods already stuffed in and she was about to be stuffing some of their clothes too.
" Why are you putting those? " I asked her in a whispered.
" So we can have new clothes to wear to if they get dirty " She said " I packed some new underwear too "

I was about to say something again until Jisung came back with 5 water bottles.
He stuffed them in the bag and I went to the kitchen to grabbed the matches and lighters.
I opened the counter and grabbed a few of them.
I then opened a small counter and saw some knives in there.
We might as well need it. I grabbed 2 big knives and 3 knives and 2 pocket knives.

I stuff them in the small pocket in the bag with a thin piece of clothes covering the edge.
Mark came back from sweeping and he put some stuff on Mina's bag too.
He stored 4 more bottles of water and some protein bar.
" Do we got everything? " He asked.
" I think so " I answered him.

Jisung then came back with some bottles of Lotion and sunscreen and some sunglasses.
" I think we might need these " he said as he put them in the bag.
" Who has the keys? " He asked.
" I do " Mina said " I'm going to unlock the door make sure we have everything in need "

She then quietly ran to the back door and tried to put in many keys to open the lock.
I looked around to see if we have everything but it seems like we do.
Mina then unlocked the lock but she didn't catched it when it fell from the door.
It made a loud thud and my breath just hitched.
The mens were still laughing so they didn't hear it.
I picked up the locker and mouthed
" Be careful idiot! "

She gave me an apologetic smile and opened the door which made a loud creek noise.
" Where's Tyler? " One of men asked assuming it's Carlos " He hasn't been here when I told him to get Mark and Jisung out."

Mina quickly opened the door and step outside ready to run off.
" Mina go run! " Mark whispered yelled.
Mina carried the backpack on her bag and ran off.
" Woyoung let me carry it " Jisung said as he snatched the bag from me.
" You run to! " he said.
As I was about to run I heard a yell.
It was Carlos. My heart skipped a beat and I ran as fast as I could.
Mark and Jisung ran after me.

My heart was thumping and my feet were running faster but I became tired quickly.
I didn't have enough energy.
I then felt someone held my right arm and I turn to see Jisung.
" Run! " he yelled.
I try to run faster but it was no use. I only let Jisung drag half of my body with him.

We made it to the woods and we ran even more faster stepping on branches and sticks.
I saw Mina running in distance and we followed her from behind.
I turned my back to see Brandon and Shawn behind us.
I held onto Jisung's arm so I don't get far behind.

I then suddenly heard a thud and when I looked back I saw Shawn was on the ground.
He tripped on a branch.

I saw Brandon stopping halfway and we make a right turn and we didn't see them in distance anymore.

We ran a bit more until we stopped.
Mina leaned against the big tree and she was sweating.
" D-did we lose them? " She asked.
" I think we did " I said as I tried to calm down " We lost them "

Mina nodded and mouthed " Good "
Mark took a water bottle from the bag and drank it.
He shared it with Mina while I shared with Jisung.

We all took a seat and catch our breathes.
" I can't believe we made it " I said.
I was felt so relieved for the first time in my life.
" Me too " Mina said " You did a great job by the way "

" What? " I asked.
" The way you strangled him " She said
" I never thought you'll do that "
I nodded as in answer. I never thought I would have done that either.
I didn't know what else to do and I didn't want the boys to just fight the guys off and I do nothing.
I didn't want them to do so much for me and Mina just because we are girls.

It was silent again and the only thing we can hear was the birds chirping and our breathes.
Mark then suddenly stood up and said
" Let's find a place to sleep "
" Right " Jisung said as he stood up.
Soon we all stood up.
We began walking to the forest looking for a place to sleep.
The weather was hot so we always stopped and took a break every 10 minutes.

We went deeper to the forest and we also spotted some animals.
Like for an example, just a minute ago a squirrel jumped out of nowhere and it scared Mina.
And what did we do? We just laughed at her reaction.

We began searching again until the sky turned dark.
" Ugh it's already almost dark " Mina said
" And we still can't find a place to sleep "
" Yeah it's 8:47 pm right now " Jisung said.
" Huh? How do you know the time? " I asked.
He raised his hand and showed me his watch.
" From this " He said.

" Ayo I got one too! " Mark said as they started to put it together.
Jisung had the blue watch while Mark had red.

" Where did you guys get them? " Mina asked.
" Oh I stole it " Jisung said honestly like it wasn't a big of a deal.
Make sense why he looked around everywhere.

We walked every direction our feet's lead us until we stopped in front of something.

" Guys! " Mina said " We can sleep here! "

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