12 comfort

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Zhong Chenle's POV

It's been days Woyoung has gone missing and she really is kidnapped.

Every since she disappeared ' dad ' became frustrated and tried searching for her with the other officers non stop.
Aunt Cara became quiet and she didn't talk much as she used to and ' mom ' she basically cried herself to sleep every night telling herself it's her fault.
Me? I'm just here in my bedroom crying because I miss my little sister.

I then suddenly heard the door bell ring and I went downstairs to pick it up.
When I was halfway down, Aunt Cara opened the door already and there standing on the door was Jeno and Jaemin.

" Jeno and Jaemin are here to visit you " Aunt Cara said " You Guys May go to your room I need to clean the house "
" Thank you ma'am " Jeno said as he slightly bowed before taking his shoes off and run towards me.
" Hey bud you okay? " he asked worried.

I went back to my room as they followed me behind and I shut the door after they both got in.
" I'm sorry this has to happen to you " Jaemin said as he took a seat next to me in my bed " Woyoung is a really nice friend and I know she don't deserve any of this but don't torture yourself too "
I hugged my pillow while my tears starts to fall at the thought.
" But why does it have to be my little sister whom I raised?! " I snapped making them flinched and taken back " Days without her I realized how different life was like! It was lonely and the house was always quiet from the day she went missing! I just want her back! "

" Chenle Chill up dude " Jeno said " I understand how you feel to let who you love be taken away from someone. I know it hurts but you being like this it hurts us too because you're our best friend and we want to help you! You can't keep on suffering like this dude! "

I cried as Jaemin hugged me.
" Shh " he whispered softly " Everything is gonna be alright I know this will come to an end some day "

I cried while Jeno looked down.
" I'm sorry if I yelled " he said " But you really can't be like this all the time. Where's the smile I see everyday? "

I didn't answer.
I sobbed at the arms of Jaemin.
" Everything is gonna be fine " Jaemin said
" Not only we would let the police do the searching how about we do too? "
His question made Jeno give him the
" What are you talking about? " look.
" Where Do you think we'd search her for? " I said " We don't even know where she is! "

Jaemin sigh in frustration.
" I don't know Chenle " He said " I just want to help you by doing something "
" I mean " I heard Jeno's voice trailed off
" I mean every since the case of Park Jisung, Mark Lee, Kang Mina and now Kim Woyoung disappearance, the police hasn't even found a clue of the victims. Not a single evidence "

He was right.
Where are the police every since Park Jisung disappeared? That boy hasn't even been found for what weeks? Months?
The police aren't even doing anything!
" You are right " I said which made the both of them look at me " The police isn't even doing a damn thing about it! I know they are searching for them but they couldn't find them! My ' dad ' stayed up all night and didn't even come back home just to look for her! We can't just let the police do this by themselves! "

" Calm down dolphin " Jaemin said as he let me go out of his arms " We will start trying to look for Woyoung tomorrow but you need some rest first because you look like you've haven't slept in days "

He was right.
I haven't slept in days and when I look across the mirror on my desk I saw my reflection reflecting dark circles and a tired face.
Jaemin laid me in the bed as I was a child getting ready to sleep.
" You should always have your sleeping time or you won't grow at all " Jaemin said.

It was quiet again until Jeno spoked.
" Chenle you have us and we have you I promise to be by your side no matter what happened and what you've been through " he said " At least try to be happy instead of being so tired all the time "

I didn't say anything but slowly nodded as in answer.
" I'll try to " I told him.
He then flashed me a smile and said
" Okay "


He was being serious the last couple of seconds and now he's happy and all those stuff.

" my little baby not feeling well, you'll get well soon and I'll make sure you do "
Jaemin sang as Jeno gave him a " WTF? " face.
" Shhh the baby is going to sleep " Jaemin whispered as he looked at Jeno " Make sure to be quiet "

I didn't say anything because I felt so tired.
Maybe Jeno is right. I should be happy again and stop being so tired all the times.
Usually I would giggle every time they act like couples but nothing came out of me.
I just wanted my sister back.
I want her back home.

I starred at the ceiling while feeling so dead in the inside.

At least I have Jeno and Jaemin.
From the lack of sleep I missed, my eye lids became heavy as Jaemin sang another song.

" Twinkle twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle Twinkle little star how I wondered what you are ~ "

My eyelids became heavy and I eventually fell as fast as asleep.


Jeno POV

" Bruh I cant believe he fell asleep " I said.

" Duh he didn't slept most of the nights " He said " He's tired "
I heard the soft snores coming from Chenle as Jaemin tapped his chest gently.
Someone get this boy a wife and a baby.

" His face though " Jaemin said as his voice trailed off " He has swollen eyes from crying so much, Dark circles from missing a lack of sleep and his skin is kind off.... pale and dry "
" He's a mess " Jaemin said as he continued
" He really needed some comfort "

It was silent and all we could hear was Chenle's soft snores.
" Besides " Jaemin said after an awkward silence " What did you mean we are going to look Woyoung? "
" I don't know " I said " It's been almost a month since they've gone missing "

" Was their any witnesses? " he asked.
" I don't know " I answered.
I really didn't know what to do.
Chenle was right.
The house was quiet and was not like how it was before.
Woyoung was there loud and talked a lot.
We would often laugh at her jokes even if it wasn't meant to be funny.
It's like the house was in peace.

" Should we try searching her somewhere people usually don't go? " Jaemin asked.
" Like where? " I asked.
He thought a moment and spoke once again.
" How about the forest where people hikes? " he said " No one really goes there anymore to be honest "
He was right. There was this big forest where people used to go and hike.
Sometimes people will go to get some wild berries.
" What about the meadows? " I asked.

" She could be anywhere " he said " But I'd rather look for her in the forest "
" Why? " I asked " What if we get lost? "
" We won't " he said " There's this path people usually follow when they go hiking"

I was about to speak but stop when Chenle moved.
He moved to his right and then continued to snore again.
" What were you about to say? " Jaemin asked.
" We're gonna be doing this by ourself? " I asked.

Jaemin stayed silence once again but spoke again " How about we bring my cousin Renjun with us and his friend Haechan? "
" I haven't seen Renjun in a while " I said
" But do you possibly think he'll agree to do this? "

" I mean " his voice trailed off " We don't know what he'll say so let's ask him first "


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