19 The run pt.2

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Woyoung POV

" We're gonna jump " Jisung said " In 3......2.....1 Jump! "

Both Jisung and I jumped on top of the log making me land on the ground.
Yep I fell.
I heard a few other people jump so Jisung grabbed me to stand up and run again.

I felt my knees burning for some reasons and I tried to ignore it.
We both ran all sweaty and exhausted.
My legs felt like liquid.

Jisung and I ran the left side and to be greeted by small trees but with thorns.
Some of them were in the ground so I can feel them scratching and cutting my ankle even if I had the boots on.
I was hoping that it wouldn't torn my boots off because this was the only one I had.

I gripped my hands tighter on Jisung's arms as we ran faster than before.
Sooner or later I didn't see them behind us anymore.
We stopped and catched our breaths.
I wiped my sweats with the back of my hand and leaned against a tree.
" Why d-do we h-have to go through this "
I said as I tried to calm down.

Jisung shook his head and shrugged.
" I don't know " He said.
We both stayed silent as we catch our breathes for a few minutes.
" What should we do now? " I asked him.
" I don't think we can stay at the same hiding place for more than 2 days " He said
" We have to keep finding new ones "
" What do you mean? " I asked confused.

" I mean that if we find a place to sleep we can't stay there for more than 2 days " He said " Cause they'll find us and they would never give up on trying to find us. We don't know what they are capable of..... "

I didn't clearly understood but nodded anyways.
" Let's go " He said as he started walking.
As we walked, only the sound of branches snapping can be heard.
It was silent and none of us dared to speak.
We past by a coupe of small caves and big rocks that we're there.

Lastly we saw a lake.
" A lake! " I yelled out " Let's check! "
I ran towards the lake followed behind by Jisung.
" What's special about a lake? " He asked.
" I don't know " I said " But it looks clean "

I squat down in front of the lake and started picking some up with my hands and pull up my pants to see the wounded knee.
There was a hug scratch and it was bleeding.
" What happened?! " Jisung asked as he looked at it.
He sat down in front of me and started washing the blood away.

I didn't know why but my heart was beating faster and for the first time I mesmerized his beauty.
He had an flawless skin which looked so soft and he didn't have any acne or pimples at all.
No facial hair or anything.

His face was kind of dirty but it didn't make him look bad. His hair was rather a faded shade of blonde.
" Done starring? " He asked all the sudden which made me snap back to reality.
" What? " I questioned.
He chucked and stood up.
" I know I'm handsome but let's keep going. "

My face turned a little red. He noticed I was starring.
Oh my god why?!
I pursed my lips together and stood up and followed him.
" So where exactly are we going? " I asked.
" Finding a way out of the forest " He said
" Or do you wanna live in the forest for the rest of your life while being chased by some gangsters? "

I said nothing and he turned to lead the way again.
I should've known he was a jerk. Okay not exactly though.
" You didn't have to be sassy about it " I muttered.

We both walked by the time I felt like giving up.
" Can we pease take a break? " I asked as I lean on a tree " We've been walking for almost the whole afternoon and it's getting dark! "
" Fine " He said " Let's stay here for the night "
He swung the backpack in front of him and sat down in front of me.
" Here? " I asked.
" Yeah? " He said " Where else? "

I shook my head and sat down to face him.
" It's hot in the day and cold at night " I blurted out.
" Yeah " He said as he stretched his back
" Let's sleep here they wouldn't find us here "
" How are you so sure? " I asked.
" Because they won't be here until tomorrow " He said " The first thing we do in the morning we wake up we have to leave this place "

I nodded and leaned against the tree.
" Here sleep here " I said as I patted a spot to the tree " Lean against this so you don't have to get your clothes all dirty "
He came closer to me and leaned on the tree I was at.
" Thanks " He said " Let's sleep now it's getting dark anyways "
I nodded and grabbed a blanket and covered ourself with it.
I know it would get chilly out later on.

With all the walking, I was tired and I only ate a rabbit today.
Still not so much food.
I closed my eyes and my head falls on Jisung's shoulders.
Not long after I felt his head on mines and the last thing I remembered was when I drifted off to sleep.

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