09 Pain

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Woyoung POV

I woke up being tied into a chair in a dark and dusty room.
Trying to break free won't help.

I heard a door being opened and it was the man who brought me here.
He walked towards me with a smirk on his face.
" Well well well " He said " We've got a princess here "

He touched my jawline but I shook my head meaning " Don't touch me "
He scoffed and another boy came in.
They both of them looked strong but the difference is that the first guy look to on his 30s and the guy who just came in look to be on his late 20s.

He was holding a light wooden stick and I didn't know what he was going to do with it.
The man touched my face again and this time I yelled " Leave me alone! "
The man was surprise but he didn't show.
" Well darling you just made a mistake " He said " NO ONE YELLS AT ME "
He slapped me in the face and I cried from the sudden pain.

He grabbed the wooden stick from the other boy and hit my side with it making me cry more louder.
" Watch your mouth next time young lady!! " he yelled.

" Stop crying! " He command.
I didn't stop.
I couldn't stop.
I was scared. Scared for my life.
I don't want to die...... yet.

I have family home. I have aunt Cara who loves me dearly, I have my cousin Chenle who is a big brother, I have a caring mom and I have Jeno and Jaemin who were my friends.
I don't want to leave them.
I don't want to stay here.
I want them to come take me away from the place.

He then suddenly smacked me again and yelled " I told you to stop crying! "
It made me cry even more.
My heart is raising and I felt so scared.

He was angry that he hit me with the wooden stick again.
He hit me a couple times while the guy watched.
" Tyler " the man said " Put her in the room "
" Yes boss " Tyler or whoever that guy said.

Tyler untied me from the chair and harshly pulled me out of the room.
The place was pretty old.
He then took out a key on his pockets and opened a door and I saw 3 other people chained on a chair and was locked into a cell like thingy.

Tyler pushed me into the room and locked me into the cell.
I wasn't tied into a chair like the other ones and I wondered why.
But at the same time, am I lucky?
" Don't dare to try to escape from here " Tyler said with a serious tone " Your the only one without being tied and you are also expected to obey us or you will be punished "

He locked the cell door and left.

I look at the other 3 people in here and my eyes widen immediately as I realized them.
There was Jisung, Mark and....... The girl Mina who went missing last week.

Mina was crying silently while the other 2 boys looked irritated and really tired.

Now that I'm here.... I started to cry too.
I cried silently as I wiped away my tears when it fall down.
I lean against the wall as I thought of my family and friends.

I can't leave them behind.
I want them to come and take me away from here.
I want this all to be just a dream but it's real.
There's nothing I can do...

My dad is a sheriff and the thought of it somehow made me had hope.
He's a sheriff. I believed he will find me and I believed that he WILL find me and take me back home along with the others.

I wiped my tears away and sniffed.

I wanted this to be all just a bad dream but......

It's reality.

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