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Zhong Chenle POV

I saw my ' dad ' as he works just to find Woyoung back.
He's been stressing himself so much he's been working 24/7.

He never came home so I visit him. It wouldn't hurt right?

I opened the door of the police station and see him typing on a computer.
I looked at the food at my hand that aunt Cara made for him and walked towards him.

" Hey Chenle What are you doing here? " he asked.
" Dad you've been working too much and I think your becoming an workaholic " I said
" Aunt Cara made this meal for you to enjoy please eat it "

He sigh and stretched his back.
" Fine then "

I smile and opened up the box and he ate it while I just watched.
" Have you eaten? " He asked.
" Yes " I said " Before I came here "

Just then 2 other police officer came.
They weren't strangers to me.
They were Taeyong and Jaehyun.
" Hi hyung! " I greeted them.
" Oh Chenle hey bud " Jaehyun said as he gave me a hug " I haven't seen you for weeks "

Taeyong did the same and he sat down on his desk.
" So What brings you here kid? " Taeyong asked.
" Dad hasn't ate so I brought meal for him" I said " That my aunt Cara made "

They nodded and Taeyong took out files and slammed them on his desk.
" So about Kim Woyoung " He said making my head focus on him " And Park Jisung is still missing while Mark and Mina has been founded "

" Hyung I know what has happened to them! " I said.
" Chenle I know you miss Woyoung but please stay out of it and let us solve this on our own " Dad said as he chewed the meat.

" But I'm serious! " I said " Mark and Mina told me everything! "
" What's your relation towards Mark and Mina " Jaehyun asked.

" I met them a couple weeks ago they were a friend of one of my friend name Donghyuck " I said " That's where I met Mark and Mina. They told me they were kept in a some kind of weird warehouse and was locked on some kind of cell most of the time "

Taeyong raised an eyebrow and asked
" I thought they were in the forest? "

" They were " I said " But how they explained it was that they eventually stole a few items on a bag to survive while they made their escape to the forest. They said they slept under a cave and was caught the second day and Mina said since Woyoung and Jisung couldn't catch up with them they ran the other way and that's how they separate "

Dad stood up and scratched his head.
" Why didn't they told us the whole story then? " he asked.

I shrugged.
" Dad remember they were hospitalized after they were sent here? " I reminded him.

It was true I've seen Mark and Mina before I even met them face to face in Mark's house.

They both looked so skinny and tired.

I felt so bad for the both of them I visit them while they were asleep in the hospital.
But now they were my friends.

" All right since you know let's have you tell us what they told you so those 2 poor kids can rest home " Jaehyun said " They are still in a bad condition and we can't call them over to tell us the whole thing "

" Chenle what else did they told you? " Dad asked.

" When they were separated, they couldn't find Woyoung and Jisung and they assumed they've been caught " I said " But since they've been searching through half of the forest, they found a house in another town where a girl name Jennie helped them and bring them here "

" So you are saying either Woyoung and Jisung is caught or still roaming in the forest searching for help? " Dad asked.

I nodded and looked down.
" It's been months dad " I said " How are we even suppose to know if she's still alive? "

" Whoever behind this is sick! " Dad spat out " I- I don't even know if my very own daughter is still alive "
Dad was tearing up.
Taeyong stood up and said " Do you want to have Fresh air? "

" I guess " Dad said " I've been working most of my time maybe it wouldn't hurt just to go outside "

I stood and said " I will bring you somewhere beautiful dad "

Jaehyun stood up and said " I'm coming too I've been inside that damn office for months "


Here we are as we looked at the Beautiful beauty of nature.

Dad sat on the ground along with Taeyong and Jaehyun and I stood there hands in my pocket as the sun hit my face and wind blowing up my hair.

" Chenle How did you manage to find this place? " Dad asked.
" I found it when Jeno and Jaemin showed us around " I said " Woyoung loved this place she said she wanted to have picnic here once "

It was true.
When Jeno and Jaemin showed us this meadow full of flowers and beautiful trees, she fell in love with it.
I even heard her say she wants to come here with the love of her life one day.

" That's Nice to know " Jaehyun said
" It is very beautiful and it is worth trying to go to a picnic to a beautiful place like here "

I chuckled and closed my eyes.

" Chenle! " I heard a fainted voice " Chenle help me! "

What is going on?

" Chenle I'm over here! " the fainted voice said.
I turned around and my eyes widen in shock.
I saw a girl and a boy running towards us in distance while 2 guys chased after them.

" Dad! " I yelled out " Look! Woyoung and Park Jisung! "

" Wait what where?! " Dad asked as he stood up.
I pointed at the boy and girl who is running towards us and I ran to them too.
" Oh my god Get them! " Taeyong yelled as he ran towards too.

Could this be it?
Have I finally found her?

When I was 10 meters away from them, the girl fell to the ground while the boy shakes her and ask her to wake up.
" Woyoung wake up please! " He cried out.
I ran faster but Taehyung and Jaehyun ran faster to chase the 2 guys who is now running back.

When I got closer, I saw the boy and I realized him.
Park Jisung.

" Woyoung! " I yelled out and I cried as I finally got to her.

When I looked at her, her beautiful blonde hair is now placed with a dirty blonde color, her skin was pale and it looked like she's been infected.
Her face was dirty and she was super skinny.

I cried as I saw how she looked.
Same goes to Park Jisung, Poor kid.
" Get the ambulance here now! " I heard dad yelled at his walky talky.

He picked Woyoung and I helped Park Jisung up.

We walked where the streets were at and the ambulance was there.
They laid Woyoung on the bed and Park Jisung Besides her.

I decided to follow them.
Dad didn't come since he had to help Taeyong and Jaehyun.

" Take care of them " He said and left to the other side of the road to get to his police car.

The ambulance door closed and I sigh to myself as I watched Woyoung and Jisung past out on the bed.

I've finally found you.

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