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Ginny POV
Walking in to transfiguration, I sit down next to Hermione and wait for Professor McGonagall to start the lesson. After about 3 minutes all of the other students arrive, and McGonagall starts talking.
"As you all know, Friday is Valentine's Day and to get in the spirit of things," she said disdainfully. "Today you will be transfiguring a piece of parchment into a rose with a partner from the opposite house."
We all complained and protested, because we had double transfiguration with the Slytherins this week.
"No complaining! Follow the instructions on page 394, and your partners are written on the board."
I looked past McGonagall to the board at the front of the room and tried to find my name.
Mr. Potter / Mr. Nott
Mr. Weasley / Ms. Parkinson
Ms. Granger / Mr. Malfoy
Ms. Brown / Mr. Crabbe
Ms. Weasley / Mr. Zabini
I stopped reading there. How was I going to get through this class with Zabini as my partner? Actually, I take that back. Hermione and Ron had it worse.
"We better move to our partners," Hermione says to me begrudgingly. I look over to Zabini and see that he isn't about to move.
"Yeah, I guess," I say while grabbing my bag, "Good luck!"
I start to walk over to the desk that seated the monster.

A Rose (Blinny and dramione)Where stories live. Discover now