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When the roses of two people relate to each other, there is most likely a strong romantic connection between the two. This doesn't always happen, but is the case most of the time with matching colors. If you so happen to have a matching rose with someone, you are like soulmates and are perfect matches for each other. ..... I stopped reading there. "So, if this book is correct I am Z's bloody soulmate?!?" I ask a worried looking hermione. "Yes, and I am Draco Malfoy bloody soulmate! Merlin gin what are we going to do?" Mione asks while hiding her face in her arms. "I think for one thing we don't tell the boys, they would be furious! And second we don't bring this up with Z or Malfoy!"
"I agree we cannot tell Harry or Ron, but why not Zambini and Malfoy! I mean they are our soulmates!"
"Because mione, how do you think they will react! I mean the slytherin princess and the gryffindor princesses soulmates! I think we just let them figure it out and see what happens from there."
"Ok that does make sense. Should we start on charms homework?"

Meanwhile in the slytherin common room
Blaise POV

I walk into the common room to find it empty except Draco. I tap him on the shoulder and he jumps. "Merlin Blaise you scared me! Oh good thing you're here I have been wanting to talk to you about transfiguration class." He then pulls out a lilac and brown rose and being honest the whole bloody flower reminds me of granger. "Yeah, I do too. I mean yours obviously is about granger and mine ... " I trail off just thinking about how mine is Red's hair color. I mean Ginny Weasley's hair color is a color that means something to me? "And yours is she-weasels hair color." Draco finishes with a smirk. "Yeah, but really you know what this means right?"
"It means that granger and she-weasel are our bloody soulmates! Merlin what are we going to do?" Draco for once looked clueless, and if I hadn't felt the same I would have made fun of him for it. What were we going to do?
"Well I think that we can't tell anyone else about it because Granger is a muggle born and Red's family is considered blood traitors, I mean our family and all of Slytherin and Gryffindor would freak. But about our soulmate problem with them I got no clue mate."
"Well they are smart and probably figured this out already, and since we haven't gotten anything from them I say they don't know what to do about this problem. WAIT BLAISE! I got it!"
"What do you got that you need to scream about it mate?" I ask, covering my ears. He can be really loud sometimes.
"Blaise mate it is so simple. We are soulmates so how about we speed up what is bound to happen."
I give him a confused look. I mean seriously! Can he please speak normally? I hate riddles.
"Blaise tomorrow how about we ask Granger and she-weasel on a date to the ROR tomorrow night? We have to keep our relationship a secret but we are bound to end up together because we are soulmates. So we ask them out tomorrow during class."
"Ok that makes sense. Now that that's figured out, I think we need to start on homework."

A Rose (Blinny and dramione)Where stories live. Discover now