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I am dedicating this chapter to AnnabethLestrange16 she has some amazing works! Thanks anyone who reads this because I honestly thought no one would. This chapter is different from the others because it is kinda like a summary, then the story. So sorry if you get confused. Now continuing the story......

They continued meeting about 2 times a week for dates in ROR, they all ended with a kiss that grew a little more passionate every time. Also they became comfortable around McGonagal and Snape, who helped give each other messages and let them work with each other often. Then one mid May day in potions they asked for a date that night, nothing unusual as they have dates often since February. When the girls arrived with their boyfriends they went into their rooms. When Z lead Red into their room he covered her eyes and told her no peaking. When he whispered open, the red head saw him down on one knee with a silver and red ring. "Ginavera Molly Weasley I have only known you a small amount of time, but I am head over heads in love. Will you please take me as your husband?" "Yes Z. Yes!" He places the ring on her finger and they kissed. They walked out and went to McGonagal's dorm with mione and Draco. She and Snape were so happy for them and told them they would be taking them to the ministry to get married the night before Draco's assignment. Yes the boys told them about being death eaters, but they also explained that Draco's mother, Draco, Snape, and Z are all spying for the order. It's now the day of there wedding.

Ginny POV

After walking up and walking down to the great hall with mione, we sit down with Harry and Ron. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Z trying so hard not to smile and come over here and kiss me, I wouldn't be surprised he wants to because mione had me do this muggle skin care thing and I feel like I am glowing. When we sit down the boys look up and don't even notice anything.
"Hey guys what you up to today?" I ask will mione try's not to bust out laughing, we are getting married tonight and no one suspects ( I think that's pretty funny!) Were gonna finish homework, before I have to go tomorrow night and do you know what." Harry says the last part in a whisper.
"Cool we're gonna tutor some 3rd years in transfiguration all day." Mione comes up with that lie, in reality we are gonna do our makeup and hair in McGonagal's dorm all day,then glamour it for diner.
"Nerds...That sounds nice mione and gin. Have fun!" Ron mumbles nerds and him and Harry left.
We spent the rest of the day doing our makeup and hair with McGonagal or Minnie has we are now supposed to.
Now we are going to dinner, with a glamor charm on so we look like we did this morning.

Hi wonderful readers! I tried to make this chapter longer, how did you like it? Anyway what is your house? I am a Slytherin 💚
Hope you have or had a great day!

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