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When we landed at the gate of Zambini manor, we quickly laughed at the sight of our husband and brother running out the door half way ready. The boys kissed us, and rushed us inside. Zambini manor could only be described as gorgeous, with it the opposite of Malfoy manor. It was 3 story's, and completely white. After they got through the front door, there we saw none other that narcissa Malfoy! My mother!
"Boys why in Merlin's socks did you bring Ginny Weasley and hermione granger here?" She stands tall with arms crossed.
"Mother," Draco starts, "we might want to sit down for this." She nods and leads us to a sitting room right off the lobby. I sit next to Z while mione sits next to Dray. (And yes this my new nickname for my brother)

"Ok boys what is going on?" She says sitting across from us.

"Well mother, during a transfiguration lesson in last year February we got partnered up. There we had to transform a piece of parchment into a Rose. We found out that we are soulmates, with Blaise's and Ginny's rose matching and mine and hermione's matching." She looks surprised but waves Draco to continue on. "Well then we continued to date, and in May we proposed to the love of our lives. McGonagal and snape supported us, and even planned our weddings. We got wed the night before my mission, but we found out something shocking that night. The girls are adopted, their real names are Hermione Aurora Zambini and....... Ginervra solar Malfoy...." at that I take my eyes off the floor to look at my mother, only to find she is looking at me. "My girls," She has tears rolling down her cheeks, "your back home now. My lovely Mia and Gin, your back." She gets up to hug us, we do the same. We hug for what feels like hours, then Z coughs. "I love that you guys are so happy, but do you want us to continue the story cissa?" She nods and we go sit back down with our husbands.

"Well then we wed and went back to hogwarts for our honeymoon, "dray turns a little red at this and I see mum giggle. "We continued writing letters and other things to keep in contact during the war. And now we are back together and we want to live with our wife's now, here. Oh and wemighthavegottenthempregnant." Dray says really fast, he also looks really nervous. And Incase you can't read fast talking it says, we might have gotten them pregnant!
"Really, girls you are pregnant?!?" We nod and before we know what was happening mum had us in a hug. But it wasn't like Molly's bear hugs, but comforting and kind.
"Oh this is wonderful! We must go shopping tomorrow! Oh yes Draco and Mia you can have the top floor, and Blaise and gin can have the second floor! Oh and you girls must call me mother or mum now, Blaise already does so you can to! Oh this is fabulous!"

That is how our life went from then on. We all didn't even mind living together because we were just a big loving family. On January 27 at 10:42 pm, Scorpius Blaise Malfoy was born. And on February 2 at 10:47 am, Rosabella Mia Zambini was born. What else would I name her, after all it all started with A Rose.

A Rose (Blinny and dramione)Where stories live. Discover now