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This chapter is dedicated to SelinaLilly1996 for following me! Sorry if this story escalated quickly, you will learn why in this chapter! Thanks anyone who reads this! Now........

Ginny POV

At the great hall no one say anything different about us and we were so excited! I am kinda disappointed that I can't tell my family that I am getting married, but after the upcoming war is over Z promised that we will tell them together.
After we eat, although we and mione didn't eat much do to nervousness, we go up to the common room and sit on the couch's in front of the fire place. "So what did you girls do today?" Ron asks while starting to play exploding snaps with Harry.
"Helped some 3rd years practice transfiguration with Min- McGonagal, then spent the rest of the time studying." Mione says answering, luckily they didn't notice that she about called McGonagal Minnie.
"So how did your homework go, guys?" I ask. They don't even bother to look up before Harry replies,
"it was good we finished early and practiced quidditch. After this I think I am gonna shower and go to bed, I am worn out!" Ron nods and says he is going to do the same thing. I can believe how lucky me and mione are right now, now we don't have to sneak out! We continue to act like we are paying attention but I now that I am going over my vows and imagining how tonight will look in my mind. The game ends with Ron wining like always, the boys say night and head up to their dorm laughing and smiling. The second we don't hear them we race out the tower to Minnie's dorm to finish getting ready.
I have bright blood red lipstick, same color eyeshadow with sparkles, mascara and simple eyeliner, for my makeup. I braid my hair, then put a blood red headband with a Rose the color of my husband-to-be family's snake ring. I am wearing a simple, short, plane white dress. I also have a red belt with more Roses on it. Minnie gave me some simple blue Rose earrings. For my necklace I am wearing a silver necklace with a snake hanging from the end. Z gave it to me the night after he proposed, he said it was his mother's. I wear red sandals with a rose on each.
Hermione wears a lace simple dress with thin rose lace sleeves. She had her brown with blond highlighted hair in a messy braided bun. She had lilac lipstick and light silver eyeshadow, light mascara, and simple eyeliner. She had a silver necklace that Draco has gotten her, that had a heart and infinity connected, from his grandmother. And blue heels that no one can see under her dress. She had silver feather dangling earrings from Minnie.

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.

A Rose (Blinny and dramione)Where stories live. Discover now