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The next day, transfiguration class
Ginny POV

I walk in early with Mione as usual. I am still freaking out about Z and the whole soulmate thing. Luckily the boys didn't notice anything, I swear they are the most obvious boys in the world. On the bord it says sit with your partner and start practicing turning a piece of parchment into rose.
"Fun! We have to sit with our soulmates today!" I say to mione in a fake happy voice. "What did you expect? We better get seated people are coming in now. Meet after at the library so we can talk, bye." And with that she walks away.
I sigh and walk to where me and Z sat yesterday. Why do I even need to be here today? I can do the spell, but I start taking out the materials. Then Z and ferret walk in. They say bye and I am pretty sure I saw Malfoy and Z looking nervous but I can't be sure. Next thing I know Z is sitting next to me.
He opens his mouth like he is about to talk, but of course McGonagall choices just then to walk in and ask for silence. "Today you will practice the spell we worked on yesterday  in class! Today is the last day of practice before the test so work hard! You may begin!"
With that she starts to help the people in the front. Someone taps my shoulder and I turn to see Z looking very anxious. "So um Red I know that um you are s-smart so you probably know w-what our um roses mean, so um I wanted to know if you um want to like um meet me at the um ROR tonight? For like a um d-date."
So that was what he was nervous about, he wanted to ask me on a date. OMG he asked me on a date! I mean we are soulmates so it was going to happen sometime. "Of course I want to go on a date with you Z, I mean we are soulmates! How about at 10 that way no one knows?" I can't stop smiling. Z is just so cute with that blush and nervous stutter. Wait did I just think that. I am gonna blame that in the soulmate stuff.
"Yeah 10 sounds great! Oh and you probably already know that we really shouldn't tell anyone about our relationship!" "Yep we can't....." I get cut off by someone else saying "Hello, can you two please show me the spell so I can see if you need help." Me and Z both point our wands to the piece of parchment laying in front of us and say the spell. After we say the spell two roses appear where the parchment was, one the color of my hair the other one the color of My boyfriend's snake ring. I just love calling Z my boyfriend.
McGonagal isn't at all shocked that the roses match. "Very good, now are you dating yet?" we shyly nod, "great! Now who asked who out?" Z blushes while he answers that he did. He is just so handsome and that blush on his dark skin is so cute. "Yes! I win!" McGonagal exclaims very happy that she won?
"Professor, what do you mean?" I ask. what McGonagall just becomes happy that Z asked me out, I want to know more. "Well ms. Weasley, professor Snape bet me 10 gallons that you would ask mr. Zabini out. But I sadly lost 10 when mr. Malfoy asked hermione out."
Wait, the professors bet on who the students end up with? Hogwarts is a weird place. "Ok, you are well prepared for the test I would say. And if you need any advice or someone to talk to about your situation, feel free to come to me or professor Snape." "Thank you professor McGonagal." We both say, she nods and moves on. "Well we should work on homework now. Don't you think Red?" Z asks with his confidants back. "Yes, we should work on homework Z."

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