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This chapter goes out to JoeLazer amazing reading list! I love writing this chapter so please in joy! Now......

WHAT!!! Me and mione scream after reading our heritage test results. We exchanged a look and I give her mine to see, and she does the same. Her's reads........

Hermione Aurora Zabini

Elizabeth Zabini (Dead)
Blake Zabini(Dead)

Minerva McGonagal
Severus Snape

Adopted parents:
Emma Granger
Dan Granger

OMG! Me and mione are adopted! I suddenly remember Z standing next to me reading over my shoulder, what is he going to think about this! I shyly look over at him with a nervous small smile. "So.... um Z......" I start to say. "Red," He says with a smile, "I am totally in love with you, but this is awesome!"
I smile then, Z goes over to talk with his sister. Draco comes over to me with a grin, an actual grin! The only person he actually grins at is mione!
"Hey little sis!" I run and hug him, and I guess I was always out of place with the Weasley's because this felt right.
"Hey big bro!" We let go and smile. Then mione and Z walk over, we all turn to Minnie and Snape.
"What...How......Why...???" Me and mione try to ask.
"Well girls, when Voldemort was in full power he wanted every girl born a pure blood to work for him and become his slave. Your parents didn't want that so when you were born they asked me and Snape to find a good home for you two. I look ginny to the Weasley's, because they just had a miscarriage of a girl so it wouldn't be that suspicious. Snape to hermione to some muggles he knew. We were forced not to tell you until your parents told you or you found out by yourselves. We also had to give you both a permanent glamor charm, so you wouldn't look like your family and find out."
"Oh, that's..... oh!"  Mione says.
"Excuse me can we continue!?!" We all apologize and restart the wedding.
We end I could not be more happy to be Mrs. Zabini!
We go back with our husbands, and head to the ROR to make love. (Sorry people but I don't write that kinda stuff) I fall asleep in Z's arms and he wakes me up at 4 am to walk me back to the tower.
Tomorrow night Draco has his mission which Snape will intervene. Then I go back to my "home," but all I want is to go home with my husband or brother. Oh well, I guess I will live.
We walk down and wait for the boys so we can start our day.

So readers, how did you like this chapter? The next chapter will be a summery chapter because I am to lazy to write all that! Anyway, what is your house? Have or hope you had a wonderful day!

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