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"Hey mione!" I say as I sit down in my chair at our library table.
"Hey gin! How did you do in transfiguration class today?" Hermione asks while she fiddles with a white rose with silver tips.
"I did good I got it on the second try!" I state while pulling out my rose.
"That's good! So um what do you think the color of our rose means exactly. Like yours is Zabini's snake ring color and mine......" hermione trailed off at the end.
"And yours is Malfoy's hair and eye color." I finish for her after she doesn't respond after a minute.
"Yes, um Ginny what do you think that means? The instructions said that the color has to really mean something to you and well...." hermione trails off mid thought again!
"I think whatever it means we can't tell Harry or Ron! They would freak out!"
"Yes we absolutely can't tell them whatever it means! Um, did you happen to see what color Zambini's rose was? Malfoy's was lilac with brown tips, like my eyes and favorite color. That could mean something too."
"Um Z's was the color of my hair. And yeah, this definitely means something."
"I think we should read all of the instructions and information on this spell, maybe there will be something explaining this in there."
"Sure we can try." I respond. Leave it to hermione to see if the answers are in a book. A smile creeps onto my face as I pull my transfiguration book out of my bag, because I am thinking of how me and hermione are best friends and I just love how she always thinks books have the answer. I then start reading the rest of the instructions.

Sorry for not updating in a while I had writers block. But now I am back! I will try to update more often! Hope you enjoy it!

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