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Me and mione head back to our room after Fred's funeral, and yes we were crying. The day before we had found out that we were both pregnant, but we want to tell the boys first. When we get to our room I see in the middle of the room Draco's ferret protronus, waiting for us. Mione smiles and quickly closes the door and puts a silencing charm on. I point my wand to the silver ferret, and my brothers and husbands voice flows around the room.

"Hey girls! So Cissa wants to take us to Paris, but if you have a reason for us to stay we will! We haven't told her, so we can't just stay without a reason. We are so sorry if we can't stay, but we love you our wifey's! Oh and I guess we love our weird sisters too! Bye girls!"

I look to mione, but she is still looking at the spot the ferret was just at.
"We have to tell them gin, I don't want them to leave." She whispers to me.
"I know mione, here let me do it!"
With that I cast my protronus, and a sliver horse danced out of my wand. "Wait gin! After we send this, I think we should go run away to live with them! I mean if Molly finds out we are married and pregnant, I don't know what will happen but it won't be good!" "Yeah, ok so we tell them we are pregnant then say we will be at their house in 10 minutes! That's a good amount of time so it will be too late for them to come here, and so they still have time to tell us if we can't come to them!"
Mione nods, so I say the spell so my horse will say a message to the boys.

"Hey boys! So we do have a reason why you can't go! We are both pregnant! We just found out today! We are coming to live with you at Zambini manor! We will be at there in 10 minutes! We love you are husbands! See you later!"

The horse races out the window. Me and mione quickly say multiple spells to pack up all our stuff. After 7 minutes we are fully packed into a suitcase each. We look around with tears in our eyes, I am going to miss this place. Mione reaches out to hold my hand, "Should we leave a letter so Molly doesn't send the whole ministry after us?" I nod not trusting my voice to crack. I go to my desk a pull out a quill and ink with a small piece of parchment. (And yes I didn't want to pack quills, ink, and parchment so I left them) I start writing.

Hey Mum! Don't worry about me and mione, we just need a fresh start! I am soooooooo sorry that we couldn't do this in person, but we really need to leave! Tell the boys we will miss them please! I hope maybe after a while we can come back, but it is not to be right now. Again me and mione are fine! We are truly sorry to leave, but it is what is right! I will miss you all!
                    Love Gin
P.S. we left on our own! Please don't send the ministry after us! Love you mum!

With that me and mione grab hands and head to Zambini manor.

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