le commencement

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"You're trying out for the team. Theo, right?"

Theo nodded, a smile slipping into place automatically. Ronan let out a breath.

"And you're Ronan?" Theo asked. Ronan nodded. He couldn't stop smiling.

"What are you doing?" Ronan pointed to the notebook in front of Theo.

"French," Theo said. Ronan's eyebrows hitched up, and his breathing quickened.

"Can you—you're not fluent, are you?" Ronan stuttered. Theo looked down timidly.

"I am, actually."

"Really?" Ronan exclaimed, almost giddy, "Say something."

Theo bit his lip. Oh god, Ronan thought.

"Souhaitez-vous passer du temps?"

His voice was soft and lingering. Ronan realized his mouth was parted.

"What does that mean?" Ronan asked, almost dazed. Since when is he behind the conversation? Since when does he feel like he can't keep up?

There's a mischievous glint in Theo's eyes, and Ronan got the feeling he doesn't get it that often.

"Here," Theo said, and he scribbled something on a scrap of paper. He handed it to Ronan, who took it silently. "Find out for yourself."

Ronan looked down and saw the scrawled out French phrase. When he looked up, Theo was gone.



Theo's head whipped up at the voice popping up next to him, his body apparently able to sense who it was before Theo can, if his pulse was anything to go by. It was Ronan.

"Yes what?" Theo asked, confused. Ronan looked out of breath, like he just sprinted up the stairs. Maybe he had.

"Yes. I'll hang out with you," Ronan said. When Theo was silent, Ronan continued, "The note. In French."

Realization dawned on Theo, and he blushed furiously. "Oh. Right...Cool."

Ronan seemed to have composed himself, and he looked up at Theo through his eyelashes. Theo couldn't decide whether he looked seductive or endearing.

"Do you want to hang out today?"


They walked to Ronan's car.

"Where are we going?" Theo asked, standing awkwardly by the car as Ronan fished his keys out of his backpack. Theo's fingers were hooked into the belt loops of his shorts. Ronan tried not to stare too long.

"The beach," Ronan said, then he got into the car, forcing himself not to look at Theo's brows furrowing, and a timid smile slowly forming on his lips.

"The beach? Okay," Theo said.

The whole ride Ronan could feel Theo's eyes on him. Does this mean something?

Ronan glanced to the side, and their eyes locked. Theo looked away, flushing slightly along his neck.

After a stifling ten minutes of silence, they finally arrived. The sun was a warm, orange glow on the horizon, and there was a nice breeze that ruffled Ronan's hair. It was the perfect time for a romantic walk along the ocean.

But this is not romantic, Ronan reminded himself.

"Do you—do you want to go in the water?" Ronan asked, cursing himself for sounding so nervous. Theo cut a quick glance to the ocean, then back to Ronan.

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