la destinée

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Ronan was dripping wet like Theo's never seen, hair plastered to his forehead, boxers the only article of clothing he had and it wasn't doing much to cover him.

"What are you doing here?" Ronan asked, perplexed.

Trying to get away from you.

"Couldn't sleep," Theo said.

"It's funny how we always end up back here, don't you think?" Ronan asked. He was staring out towards the horizon, his jaw clenched.

Theo couldn't ignore the painful desire to kiss him right under the bone, on the soft skin of his neck.

"Maybe it's destiny," Theo said. Ronan's eyes cut to him, eyelids lowered. Seductive and sinful and dangerous.

"I don't believe in destiny," Ronan said. Theo was vaguely aware that they were flirting.

"Maybe you should," Theo said.

They locked eyes. Theo couldn't look away.

What if...?

Just this once?

As if thinking the same thing, Ronan smiled, slowly at first, one corner of his mouth lifting up into a delicious dimple, the other side parting to reveal a sliver of white teeth.

Theo's feet moved forward, sand soft and slightly damp beneath his feet. Ronan dropped his gaze from Theo's eyes down to his lips. Theo didn't stop walking until his mouth was mere centimeters from Ronan's, and if he moved forward even a breath, their lips would brush.

"What if I don't like my destiny?" Ronan asked. Theo stepped even closer, bringing his mouth next to Ronan's ear, his right hand hovering over Ronan's stomach, inching down just a few inches.

"I don't think you'll have to worry about that," Theo said.


Everything happened so fast. One minute Theo's breath on his neck caused shivers to run down his spine, and the next they were kissing.

Call it whatever. Destiny, fate, it didn't matter. But something had brought them here on the same night. And Ronan didn't believe in coincidences.

Theo's hands pressed against his bare, slick chest, then around to his back where nails scraped and Ronan bit his lip, but didn't give up his ground. With some force he grabbed Theo's hips and brought them closer, opening his mouth against Theo's, jutting his chin and tilting his head which he had found made grown men melt in his arms.

Theo was no exception, and he moaned and sighed and gripped Ronan tighter, following the ridges of his abdomen, down his navel and right under the waistband of his boxers. Theo broke the kiss only to bring his mouth against Ronan's neck, tongue swirling and teeth nipping and it took all of Ronan's self control not to explode.

This was so much better than before. Theo's hands expertly moved, deft fingers working fast, lips, tongue, and teeth a deadly combination that left Ronan more than breathless, helpless in Theo's arms.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew this was such a bad idea. Stupid and dumb and breaking a million rules. But Theo's skin was electrifying every cell in his body, and their limbs tangled and frantically explored the firmer abdomen, slimmer waist, muscles going taught under daring fingertips, that there was no way Ronan would ever stop.

After all, you couldn't stop destiny.


It was just a kiss. Okay, more than a kiss. Way more than a kiss.


Theo bit his lip and looked around, but Ronan was not here. Yet. He was still hoping.

Theo wondered if it had something to do with last night, at the ocean, but when they parted Ronan was grinning. He looked happy.

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